Ben Shapiro Calls 1/6 Prisoners ‘Evil,’ Says They Should End Up ‘Rotting In Prison’

Ben Shapiro called the January 6 prisoners “evil,” adding that they will “all end up rotting in prison as they should,” all while remaining utterly silent on the evidence that undercover federal law enforcement embedded within the pro-Trump crowd orchestrated, instigated, and participated in the breaching of the Capitol building that day.

Ben Shapiro, who previously advocated for the compulsory vaccination of American citizens, and has been “shadow-boosted” by Facebook, called the January 6 prisoners who are reportedly facing torture “evil,” adding that they will “all end up rotting in prison as they should” while debating Malcolm Nance on Bill Maher’s show. (SEE MORE: VIDEO: Gab CEO Andrew Torba Lays Out Case For Why Big Tech Darling Ben Shapiro Is ‘Controlled Opposition’)

Nance falsely accused President Donald Trump of organizing “40,000 people to lay siege to the Capitol” in order to “stop American democracy,” to which Shapiro retorted, noting that 40,000 people did not assault the Capitol. However, Shapiro added “that is not making light of the evil of those people, who all will end up rotting in prison as they should.”

Notably, Twitter pundit Jack Posobiec supported Shapiro’s questionable statement, claiming that he blew his debate opponent, Malcolm Nance, “out of the water over Jan 6”, including when he said that nonviolent protesters who are being jailed indefinitely due to minor charges are “evil” and should be “rotting in prison.”

While Shapiro did make a point that Nance was conflating the January 6 prisoners with 75 million Trump voters, he did not voice any concern over reports that January 6 prisoners, held in DC facilities with a history of staff-on-inmate sexual abuse, are subject to torture compared to the conditions seen in Guantanamo Bay, nor did Shapiro acknowledge the recent reports showcasing evidence that undercover federal law enforcement organized, instigated, and participated in the violence and Capitol building breach on January 6. (SEE MORE: VIDEO: Daily Wire Hosts Shill For Big Business, ‘We Need To Raise Taxes On The Poor’)

On August 2, National File reporter Andrew White joined National File Editor-In-Chief Tom Pappert on National File TV to discuss what we now know about the events that occurred on January 6, and the stunning reports suggesting prisoners are being abused and mistreated as they are jailed indefinitely over 8 months after many were arrested.