After Kabul Terrorist Strike, America First Candidates Make It Clear: No More Afghan Refugees

At least 13 U.S. servicemembers are dead following a suicide bombing outside the airport in Kabul. ISIS has claimed responsibility for the explosion that took place just outside the Abbey Gate entrance to the airport.

Immediately following the attack, America First candidates and sitting members of congress called for the flow of Afghan refugees to come to a halt. They also called for the prioritization of American citizens, hundreds of which remain in Afghanistan.

“After the terror attack in Kabul this morning, it is IMPERATIVE the U.S. refuse ALL so-called Afghani “refugees” entrance onto our shores,” said U.S. Navy veteran and Virginia congressional candidate Jarome Bell. Bell is an America First candidate who is seeking the GOP nomination in Virginia’s Second Congressional District. “The ONLY American effort put forth in re: Afghanistan should be returning American citizens safely home.”

Joe Kent, an America First candidate running in Washington’s Third Congressional District, echoed Bell’s sentiment. “We need to go on the offensive to get our people out of Afghanistan. That’s the only priority, anything standing in the way of this must be destroyed,” he said in a tweet. Kent, who is a retired special forces operator, also called for the Department of Defense to be held accountable. “Congress must hold an emergency session to impeach Biden & hold the SECDEF & D/CIA accountable,” he said in another tweet. “Demand all US assets focus on getting Americans out, now!”

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) chastised the Biden regime and called for a halt to Afghan migrant flow. “Absolute incompetence by Biden, Blinken and Austin. These foolish clowns are still focusing on illegally bringing in Afghans and ignoring US citizens and showing severe weakness globally” Gosar wrote in a tweet. Gosar recently introduced legislation calling for a 10-year immigration moratorium.

Ohio senate candidate J.D. Vance raised security concerns regarding an unfiltered influx of Afghan refugees. “The people telling you they’re carefully vetting refugees are the same people who promised an orderly withdrawal from Afghanistan,” Vance said. Vast amounts of unvetted Afghans have reportedly found their way onto evacuation flights since the operation began.

As National File previously reported, just 4,000 of the 37,000 people who were evacuated from Afghanistan were Americans on Monday. “Biden surrendered Afghanistan to terrorists and left thousands of Americans for dead by pulling out the Military before our citizens. Now we are learning that out of the 26,000 people who have been evacuated, only 4,000 are Americans,” wrote President Trump in a statement. Earlier this week, Biden smirked when asked about thousands of Americans reportedly trapped in Afghanistan with no way to get to the airport. His audio feed was also cut immediately following the question.

Yesterday in a speech, Biden claimed that the Americans who remain stranded in Afghanistan simply want to stay there. Several lawmakers have called for Biden’s resignation over the Afghanistan disaster.