Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers: “I Want The ROUTERS” – 55% Of America Does TOO!

Despite big tech censorship and our conniving media, Americans are waking up and realizing this election was stolen, and we want answers.

In Arizona, the audit investigation is being stalled by Maricopa County as they have continually violated legislative subpoenas for routers, passwords, Splunk logs, and access keys for Dominion Voting Machines.

Recently, Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich stepped up to the plate big and ordered them to deliver the requested materials within 30 days. If they do not resolve this violation of the law, The Arizona Treasurer will withhold 10% of state shared funds from Maricopa County. The County will lose up to $70 million if they do not deliver the routers.

“Brnovich Dropped the HAMMER!” – Arizona Senator Wendy Rogers on Maricopa County Complying With Senate Subpoenas Or Losing $61 MILLION in State Revenues

Once the routers are delivered to the Senate, they will be able to analyze those and find out if the machines had outside connectivity and answer many other questions.

Rasmussen Reports sent a tweet noting that Arizona State Senator Wendy Roger’s “I want the routers” Tweet had over 6,000 likes and many more total interactions within just one hour.

Here is Wendy Roger’s original tweet which now has almost 15k likes and over 3,000 Retweets.

Rasmussen has reported extensively on the fact that Americans have almost no confidence in the 2020 election.

A majority of Americans want the routers too.

This is just more evidence that the people know what happened in 2020.

If Maricopa County is willing to lose tens of millions of dollars in order to fight against election transparency, that will be the cherry on top.

The post Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers: “I Want The ROUTERS” – 55% Of America Does TOO! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.