Texas Bill HB 39 To Ban Forced Vaccinations For Employees

By Krishna Chandrasekaran

Congressman Steve Toth has authored HB 39. The bill, which is currently in Committee and yet to make it to the floor of the Texas State legislature for voting, would ban non-governmental employers from requiring their employees to take any vaccinations, injections, or immunizations as a condition of retaining employment. Therefore, employers won’t be legally able to fire employees who refuse to receive any vaccinations, like the COVID-19 one, other injections, or immunizations. Currently, the laws in Texas (TX), in addition to Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s executive order (EO), prohibit any business from denying service to customers who refuse vaccinations, injections, or any similar immunizations; the TX laws and Abbott’s EOs also prohibit state and local government agencies from denying employment or firing employees who refuse the vaccinations and immunizations. Right now, no such laws prohibit such vaccine (or injection) passports for non-governmental employers, but HB 39 would change that, if it gets passed in the state legislature and signed into law by governor Abbott.

For those who respect medical freedom and find vaccine passports unacceptable, both in and out of Texas, for all types of employment, this is the bill for all of us. Among many other issues, this is definitely one bill that all TX residents should be calling and urging their district’s representatives, senators, and governor Abbott to get this bill signed into law as soon as possible. Calling elected officials’ offices isn’t fun, and there likely aren’t many who enjoy doing it, but it isn’t really that hard to do, especially compared to fighting on the battlefield or doing anything physically demanding like that. Hopefully, TX residents do take at least a few minutes a day to call and email their representatives and governor Abbott to get HB 39 passed. The more frequently elected officials get urged to pass HB 39, especially by large numbers of voters, the more likely it’ll be to pass as soon as possible. Additionally, hopefully the residents of other states urge their elected officials to pass similar, or better, legislation; or somehow ban vaccine passports for all forms of participation in society, ranging from employment, school and university admissions, and receiving service from businesses, as just a few examples.

Especially in TX, where the Houston hospital system is now experiencing a shortage of nurses from the Houston hospital system’s failure to both listen to conscience and resist the temptation to extort their nurses by requiring them to get the COVID injection as a condition of continued employment, banning employment-based vaccine passports has the potential for good messaging to elected officials. After all, if elected officials are truly worried about having enough nursing staff to deal with pandemics, both legitimate ones vs. exaggerated ones like COVID-19, which has failed to meaningfully reduce the population size or yield new construction for cemeteries, they really ought to listen to the nurses who are not willing to risk their health with the dangerous COVID vaccine (gene therapy injection), which has produced nearly countless injuries, including over 10,000 deaths, as per the latest reporting by the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Hopefully, too, the nurses – including those who weren’t fired – will urge their elected officials to get HB 39 passed. Failing to either pass HB 39 or somehow ban vaccine passports for employment puts countless jobs, and the ability to feed people’s children and put them through school, in jeopardy; this would also hurt the re-election auspices for the current elected officials. After all, what’s the likelihood that newly unemployed voters will vote for re-election of current elected officials if they disappoint by failing to pass HB 39?

None of the above proposed efforts can guarantee success, but what is guaranteed is that urging elected officials to pass HB 39 is very much worth trying. If elected officials fail to pass HB 39, then history and future generations will remember the elected officials of TX of this era to be failures, much like the elected officials in most other U.S. states of this era, all of whom will have failed to both see through the deception of the mainstream COVID-19 narrative, especially relating to the heavily promoted vaccine (gene therapy shot), and to defend medical freedom for their hapless constituents who did see through the deception.

Source: Liberty Forecast Blog

Image: Spiro Skouras

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Texas Bill HB 39 To Ban Forced Vaccinations For Employees