VIDEO: Joe Biden Slumps Over, Appears To Fall Asleep During Meeting With Israeli PM

Joe Biden slumped over during a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, causing some of his detractors to say it appeared as though he fell asleep.

During a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, who recently admitted that the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines are “fading”, Joe Biden appeared to fall asleep. “This is why they call him Sleepy Joe, literally falling asleep during his meeting with the Prime Minister of Israel. Biden needs to go for the good of our country,” said Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene.

During the meeting yesterday, Biden also discussed booster shots. “The question raised is should it be shorter than 8 months? Should it be as little as five months? That’s being discussed, I spoke with, uh, Dr. Fauci this morning,” said Biden.

Assuming the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is never approved for children younger than 12, this would mean a child born today could potentially receive 175 shots over the average American lifespan of 78 years. This would be in the form of the two shots that were originally claimed would sufficiently vaccinate individuals, plus 173 five month booster shots. (READ MORE: Fauci Used To Lurk Gay Bath Houses, Bars To Learn About AIDS Up Close)

In July, Biden raised eyebrows this week after photographs revealed that he knelt before the Israeli President Reuven Rivlin and his chief-of-staff, “ultra-Orthodox” Rabbi Rebecca Ravitz. According to Israeli media, Biden then offered his “unquestionable commitment to Israel’s self-defense,” and promised that his commitment to Israel is “known and engraved in the rock.”

There have been growing calls for Kamala Harris and members of the cabinet to initiate the 25th amendment to remove Joe Biden from office due to his increasingly apparent cognitive decline. Additionally, many high-profile GOP political figures have joined the push to call for Democrat President Joe Biden’s resignation – as well as the resignation of other regime officials over the latter’s disastrous handling of the U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan. A terrorist attack killed at least 12 U.S. servicemen on Thursday after Biden extended the withdrawal deadline.