Biden’s Handlers Say He Went Golfing While Americans Are Stranded Behind Enemy Lines in Afghanistan

Joe Biden went golfing on Sunday after leaving Americans behind enemy lines in Afghanistan.

Biden golfed with former Senator Ted Kaufman at Fieldstone Golf Club in Delaware.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Wednesday admitted Americans are being held hostage by the Taliban.

“The Taliban are not permitting the charter flights to depart,” Blinken said during a press conference in Germany.

Blinken also admitted there are “limits” to what the Biden Admin can do to help the hostages without “personnel on the ground, without an airport with normal security procedures in place.”

On Thursday, the Taliban allowed a commercial flight with some Americans on board to leave Kabul, however Americans are still stuck in Afghanistan.

Meanwhile Joe Biden is away from DC and golfing and the corporate media doesn’t even care.

Imagine the media outrage if Trump golfed after leaving Americans behind in Afghanistan.

The post Biden’s Handlers Say He Went Golfing While Americans Are Stranded Behind Enemy Lines in Afghanistan appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.