Woke NBA Will Reportedly NOT REQUIRE Players to Get Covid-19 Vaccine; Meanwhile Referees and Staff Are Still Forced to Take the Experimental Jab

According to inside sources, ESPN has reported that the woke warriors at the NBA will not be requiring players to be vaccinated against Covid-19. However, the league office will still be mandating that referees and the majority of staff members – including coaches and trainers – are fully vaccinated against the virus. 

The league-wide vaccination of all players would have to be agreed upon in negotiations with the NBA Players Association(NBPA), but the two sides have not been able to come to terms. The League continues to push for mandatory jabs but the NBPA calls the issue a “non-starter” and refuses to budge.

Unfortunately, the anti-American sellouts at the NBA found a loophole to require players on 3 teams to be fully vaccinated. They informed teams earlier this month that because of new Covid-19 laws in New York City and San Francisco, players on the New York Knicks, the Brooklyn Nets, and the Golden State Warriors will be forced to take ‘the shot.’ *ba-da-bap*

All jokes aside, it’s just another example of corporate America flexing its muscles to enforce a tyrannical and unethical breach of liberty on behalf of the liberal radicals in the federal government. No surprise though – the NBA sold its soul to Communist China a long time ago. 

According to an NBA spokesperson, about 85% of the players have already been vaccinated. The NBPA should get some credit for standing strong and protecting the vast minority of the players who are making the choice not to take this rushed vaccine.

A preliminary memo that was obtained in early September outlines the NBA’s plans to take care of the pesky unvaccinated players by imposing a set of strict Covid-19 protocols for the upcoming season.

If the NBA can’t force players to take the jab, they will make their life hell and try to get them ostracized by their peers.

The protocols include having their locker isolated far away from other teammates and requiring that players eat in ‘different sections’ at a safe distance. Unvaccinated players will also have to be seated away from other people in a designated area when they are riding the team bus or flying.

The new measures are still being finalized in talks with the NBPA and are likely to be put in place since the players will not budge on a full vaccine requirement.

The NBPA’s fight might not last long though. Joe Biden recently imposed a sweeping federal vaccine mandate that requires all federal workers and workers of companies with 100 or more employees to be fully vaccinated. The tyrannical order is set to impact an estimated 100 million Americans, most likely including some of these holdout players.

The post Woke NBA Will Reportedly NOT REQUIRE Players to Get Covid-19 Vaccine; Meanwhile Referees and Staff Are Still Forced to Take the Experimental Jab appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.