Why Would Yesterday’s Vote in the Pennsylvania Senate for 2020 Election Subpoenas Exclude the Ballots Counted and the Voting Machines Used?

Why would Pennsylvania’s Senate vote to subpoena some items related to the 2020 Election but ignore other items requested from another Senate Committee?

The Pennsylvania Senate Intergovernment Operations Committee voted yesterday to subpoena a number of items related to the 2020 Election in their state.  This list was robust and included emails related to the Secretary of State’s office and a number of inventories of Pennsylvanians who voted or were registered in the 2020 Election.

We wrote about this vote yesterday.

Pennsylvania Senate Committee Votes 7-4 to Proceed with Investigation of 2020 Election

The problem some are pointing out with yesterday’s subpoenas is that they omit the key elements from the Arizona audit – the ballots and the voting machines.

If yesterday’s vote in the Pennsylvania Senate was a legitimate attempt to get to the truth, why did they not ask for the supporting evidence (the ballots) that were counted in the 2020 Election?  This omission needs to be corrected. 

The post Why Would Yesterday’s Vote in the Pennsylvania Senate for 2020 Election Subpoenas Exclude the Ballots Counted and the Voting Machines Used? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.