Roger Stone spoke to Gateway Pundit at The Truth About Cancer Conference last weekend in Nashville, Tennessee. 

See video here:

“After Laura Loomer, I am probably the most cancelled person on the face of the earth,” said Stone. I was kicked off Twitter for life in 2017, I was banned for life on Facebook and Instagram right after my trial. Last week you can congratulate me I was finally banned on TikTok. But you can find me on Gab, Telegram, FreeSpace, Parler, Bitchute, Rumble…it’s important that conservatives go to these alternative sites. Hopefully President Trump is developing a great new site because I think communications between each other and with everyone else is vital in terms of our long term political success.”

Featured speakers included Eric Trump, Roger Stone, Randy Jackson of The Jackson 5, Actor John Schneider, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Del Bigtree, Donald Trump Pastor Mark Burns, Angela Stanton King, Dr. Fauci whistleblower Dr. Judy Mikovits and many others.

According to their website, “The Truth About Cancer 2021 is about Reclaiming America, Health Freedom & Personal Liberty. You can find out about healing, preventing cancer and other health challenges, insights into the state of liberty and freedom in the USA and worldwide, and also reveals the truth about vaccines – all packed into a single weekend. In other words … a conference that resembles what we USED to have before the “plandemic”. Gather together again and socialize and meet your health heroes and fellow patriots.”

The conference was a “Who’s Who” of Medical Freedom Activists, natural health experts, doctors and philanthropists. Many have experienced censorship by Big Tech, Main Stream Media and banking institutions.

Multiple speakers and guests shared stories with us of complete social media censorship and cancellation similar to that of the Chinese social credit system.

“I have had may banking canceled on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok,” said event attendee Felisa and owner of The Patriot Party.Rocks. “My company plans ‘America First’ events. I was banned because I have the word “patriot” in my company name. The word “patriot” is even banned on CNN”.

According to many event attendees PayPal, Venmo, Twitter, AirBnb, Stripe, GoFundMe, Chase Bank, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and TikTok were amongst the biggest offenders of cancelling Americans for their political beliefs, affiliations or opinions.

“I believe they are digitally assassinating a lot of people to terrorize them,” said Maryam Henein, Director of the award winning film Vanishing of the Bees. “Twitter, PayPal, Kiva, GoFundMe, Airbnb, Instacart, Amazon, Patreon all blocked me. Chase bank cancelled my bank account and said they didn’t have to give a reason when I inquired why. Is it because I am an outspoken medical freedom advocate, a functional medical professional  or because I encourage people to think for themselves? I sell vitamins and encourage people to be their own best health advocate. Yet the FDA and DOJ have come after me for advocating vitamins! I am a journalist and a free thinking human being. Therefore I have engaged in a thought crime. This is techno fascism and medical tyranny combined with removing our freedom of speech. My livelihood has been affected tremendously.”

See PDF file of Henein’s Chase ban here: Chase Cancellation

“Google is not even trying to hide the fact that the are taking directions from these government actors like Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi,” said Google whistleblower Zach Vorhies.  “They have been caught writing letters to Google about going after these people. They are taking people off the internet and Big Tech is falling in line and implementing this censorship regime of the Biden Regime and this is a First Amendment violation. When Big Tech acts at the behest of the Government then they are essentially quasi state actors.”

“I released a documentary called Out of Shadows a documentary that sheds light on the inner workings off the media,” said Director/Producer Mike Smith. “In less than twenty four hours I was cancelled off Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube for giving a different perspective. I had 315,000 subscribers on YouTube and with no notice my channel just disappeared. Hundreds of thousands of followers on Social Media gone, just like that. They made is so you can’t even share my documentary on any social media platforms- they blocked the link; you can’t even DM the link.”

Like Plato said, “Those who control story control society,” said Smith.