“The Failure Of Qualified Immunity” — Poem By Joe Cadillic

By MassPrivateI

For nearly 14 years I have been reporting on our justice system. I have lived through Boston’s racist school busing protests and the Rodney King protests. More recently, I was encouraged by the “Occupy Wall Street” and BLM protests.

Time after time our government and law enforcement have rallied against reform by beating, tear gassing and arresting protesters. But our Department of Justice (DOJ) and our politicians’ failure to enact police reform of any kind has given me pause to think about continuing blogging.

The failure by the DOJ and politicians to address police reform and get rid of qualified immunity has me extremely concerned about how police treat minorities and those demanding change. So rather than post a lengthy story about all that is wrong with our justice system and policing, I thought I would try my hand at creating a poem.

The Failure Of Qualified Immunity, by Joe Cadillic

The War on Terror has become another excuse to target people of color.

When change was what we needed our politicians blew it. Black Lives Matter and they knew it!

When police reform went off the rails, Biden bailed.

Ignoring police reform must not become the norm.

How many more George Floyds do we need as Black people bleed or die.

Throughout the years there have been countless tears.

We need to rethink stop and frisk because it poses too great a risk.

Thousands more will die as they ignore our cry.

Where do we go from here when cops are everywhere;

When blue lights are on all hope is gone.

As cops become more belligerent, they become more indifferent.

Cops lie as more Black people die,

 As cops with immunity kill with impunity.

One thing is clear, cops want Black people to live in fear.

Can we really say this is the land of the free while cops beat you and me?

Why do I get the impression that cops have perfected the art of repression?

Why must more Black people bleed, when we know it’s freedom they need.

Black liberation cannot be tied to police discrimination.

The failure of Blacks rights isn’t fiction it’s an American affliction.

Source: MassPrivateI Blog

Image credit: The Appeal

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“The Failure Of Qualified Immunity” — Poem By Joe Cadillic