New Poll Shows Kamala Harris Has Lowest Approval Rating In Recorded History

Kamala Harris is the least liked vice president in history.

According to a USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll conducted among registered voters last week, Harris’ approval rating is historically low at 28 percent, lower than any vice president.

Fifty-one percent of respondents disapprove of the job Harris has done since taking office.

The low disapproval rating among a modern vice president is unprecedented.

“The closest comparison – which involves slightly different methodology and margins of error – would be former Vice President Dick Cheney, the most unpopular US vice president in polling history,” Business Insider reports. “He bottomed out at 30% in Gallup’s tracking survey, but that wasn’t until the end of former President George W. Bush’s second term in 2007.”


Public disdain for Biden is also increasing, with 64 percent of respondents, including 28 percent of Democrats, saying they don’t want the illegitimate president to run for a second term.

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