Critical Race Theory Supporter Threatens Parents Who Question CRT: “I’ve Got Over 1,000 Soldiers – Locked And Loaded” (VIdeo)

Parents criticizing the practice of critical race theory will face the wrath of 1,000 “locked and loaded” soldiers, cautions a leftwing, self-described “revolutionary” in Texas.

In a live-streamed Fort Worth Independent School District Board Meeting last week, Malik Austin threatened local parents who oppose the anti-white curricula being taught to their children and declared he is willing to “fight” for the bigoted teaching method.

“For those who got an issue with this critical race theory equity, this is something I fight for, for my children… How dare you come out … and talk about the things that my daddy and my grandparents went through, the lynching, the oppression, Jim Crow, and my kids are still being afflicted by this!” Austin reprimanded.  “How dare you come up here and challenge me on critical race theory!”

Opponents of CRT lesson plans, which attribute racism to “white privilege” and claim racism is systemically embedded in all American institutions, will soon face off with a militia, warned Austin, who wore military apparel to a school board meeting in August.

“We are not our ancestors,” he said, drawing a distinction between his supporters and peaceful civil rights leaders of the past. “I’ve got over 1,000 soldiers ready to go. One thousand ready to go.”

As other parents in the audience began to jeer, Austin’s microphone was cut off. But he continued his tirade, threatening violent retalition of parents who oppose CRT.

“Yes I will. Locked and loaded. Locked and loaded,” he said, as he was being escorted away from the podium.  “Yeah, I’ll bring my soldiers with me next time.”

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