“Q Shaman” Sentenced to 41 Months in Prison For Non-Violent Offense After He Was Allowed Inside US Capitol by Police

In September, Jacob Chansley, AKA, the “Q Shaman” pleaded guilty to one felony charge in connection with the January 6 Capitol riot in a deal with the feds.  Chansley pleaded guilty to “obstruction of official hearing” something the left does on a regular basis on Capitol Hill.

The 34-year-old who was seen inside the Capitol wearing a furry hat with horns, pleaded guilty in a DC federal court to obstruction of an official proceeding.

Jacob Chansley did not cause any violence, he listened to officers and he was let in the building by Capitol Hill police.

A video released in May revealed Capitol Police gave Chansley and several protesters the clearance to walk into the Capitol.  This was all captured on video.

New Video Shows U.S. Capitol Police Gave Protesters OK to Enter on Jan. 6

A federal judge on Wednesday sentenced Chansley to 41 months in prison.

Chansley has already been in solitary confinement for 10 months.

Chansley was originally charged with 6 counts, but 5 of the charges were dismissed in a deal with federal prosecutors, according to court documents.

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