Fake ‘Fact Checkers’ Politifact, AP and Fake News NPR Last Year Claimed President Trump Was Incorrect Saying Rittenhouse Acted in Self-Defense – Yet No Apologies Today?

Fake News and their fake fact checkers are instruments used to push political narratives of the left.  Their tactics are similar to publications used by communists and totalitarians over the ages.  Their stories align with the leftist narrative almost exclusively and they rarely if ever admit their erroneous and biased reporting.  The Rittenhouse case is another example. 

Last year a few days after Kyle Rittenhouse made headlines for killing two men at a BLM riot in Kenosha, Wisconsin, President Trump made a statement that young Rittenhouse was acting in self-defense.

The AP took the opportunity to fact-check the President and labeled his comments false.

PolitiFact also fact-checked the President labeling his comments false.

Far-left NPR labeled the President false in his claims about Rittenhouse as well.

They were all wrong. 

Will any of these entities write an apology to Kyle Rittenhouse, President Trump, and the rest of America for their false reporting?  We rate their claims again – 

The post Fake ‘Fact Checkers’ Politifact, AP and Fake News NPR Last Year Claimed President Trump Was Incorrect Saying Rittenhouse Acted in Self-Defense – Yet No Apologies Today? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.