California School’s CRT-Themed ‘Anti-Racism’ Resource Has Spells To Hex Those Who Say ‘All Lives Matter’ – Former Student

A former student of the Campbell Union High School District, Spencer Lindquist, has been documenting the schools “attempt to indoctrinate me (Spencer) with critical race theory.”

Currently the Campbell Union High School District in San Jose, California has a list of 100 ” equity resources” available to students that is meant to teach them the inherent racism of all white people and even includes a how to for putting a spell on people who proclaim, “all lives matter.”

This list includes several categories; addressing radicalized violence with our students, resources for educators, teacher, students and parents.

Included in these resources is a link entitled ” Anti-Racism Resource List.” This list details lessons on “white fragility” and teaches high school students that the only race that can commit acts of true racism are white people, and includes a lengthy anti-white lecture from author Sonya Renee Taylor where she instructs white people to put themselves on the frontlines fighting police officers in riot situations.

Taylor instructs white people to “put their bodies on the line for the purpose of justice.”

A recent graduate of the CUHSD’s Branham High School, Samuel Martin, reported to the Federalist that he was “appalled” by the critical race theory curriculum.

“The idea that white students must ‘dismantle themselves’ in the context of their personality is cultish. Not only is it cultish, but it is deliberate in that this school system wants its’ white students to hate themselves. Do these people honestly think that drilling racial identitarianism into childrens’ [sic] heads from a young age is going to make them less racist?”

In the section of this resource list entitled “Hex” students are instructed to write hex poems cursing those who commit microaggressions, or use the phrase “all lives matter.”

According to Lindquist’s reporting, this California school district has been practicing similar curricula for a long time, and this list is just the most visible example of the practice. A former teacher of Lindquist published a portion in a book released in 2018 “Research Studies on Educating for Diversity and Social Justice,” which covered how the school implements teaching critical race theory and how that lesson can be used to spread this curriculum to other schools.

The Campbell Union High School District additionally has an established Anti-Racism Team that is divided in to eight Equity Teams with the purpose of “challenging imbalances of power and privilege” These teams consist of school faculty, administrators and two students who “must be BIPOC, meaning black, indigenous, and people of color.”

Teacher and member of one of the eight Equity Teams teams, Michael Espinoza, who won the California district’s teacher of the year award made an instagram story post that read; “Im exhausted and not because of school. My job is easy compared to living under white supremacist, heteropatriarchal rule.”

Espinoza continues, “Im not surprised, of course, just exhausted. But I won’t give up. Ever. And if you consider yourself a friend/ally/co-conspirator, you better not either.”