Video Shows German Police Keeping COVID Protesters Separated With Measuring Stick

By Paul Joseph Watson

A video out of Germany shows police using a measuring stick to ensure people are physically separated at a protest in Hamburg.

Yes, really.

The clip shows officers walking in between demonstrators using a long ruler to keep them properly socially distanced by 6 feet.

The crowd reacts with derisory comments and jeering.

“Pro-Covid MANDATE SHILLS are an utter JOKE. None believes your LIES anymore,” commented Maajid Nawaz.

Around 8,000 people gathered in downtown Hamburg on Saturday to protest against vaccine mandates for children.

The city has seen multiple demonstrators against COVID-19 rules.

Paranoid private citizens were also seen using sticks and measuring tape to ensure social distancing during the early months of the pandemic.

However, this is the first time actual police officers have been using such a crude and divisive method.

As we highlight in the video below, Germany has followed Austria by imposing draconian new rules against the unvaccinated as the country struggles with another COVID wave despite having mask mandates and vaccine passports in place for months.

Source: Summit News via Truth Unmuted

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Video Shows German Police Keeping COVID Protesters Separated With Measuring Stick