Kachelman: A Foolish Consistency is the Hobgoblin of Little Minds

By John L. Kachelman, Jr.

(Today I was told that Ukraine is saying that the pensioners who are not jabbed will lose their State assistance. I believe that rational thinking is non-existent but my thoughts in the attached is in hope that some will be spurred to thinking. I have referenced Emerson’s observation, in the article, multiple times in regard to moral, civil, and religious tenets and most often it has stirred anger rather than introspection. God help us to stand firm against this evil.)

“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Waldo’s definition of those who pursue policies and beliefs that are blatantly inconsistent, aptly defines our political, medical, institutional, educational, and all other aspects of our culture.

Truth is always consistent. True Science is always consistent. Medical practice is founded upon consistency in diagnosis. Consistency is expected in our judicial and commercial spheres. When a law, philosophical tenet, business practice, and any other facet of practical living are inconsistent, then “buyer beware!” What kind of justice is to be meted if the witnesses blatantly contradict one another? To what extent do we expect validation of “the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth”?

But now we are being told that consistency is not a critical criterion for any practice in today’s USA. It is not expected in the political realm. It is excused in the medical diagnosis. It is erased in today’s judicial system.

The fearmongers of COVID-19 well illustrate Waldo’s observation. The obvious contradiction, flip-flopping, irrational rationalizations are “adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.” We can add to Waldo’s list the medical professionals, the educational boards, and the entertainment controllers.

The utter depravity of reason from the current COVID-19 regulations is well summed up in the recent news from KROGER Supermarkets. Today’s news sources cover a broad spectrum and there are numerous reports with headlines such as Kroger to End Some Covid-19 Benefits for Unvaccinated Workers. The articles reveal the specific implementation of an unscientific tyrannical mandate for all KROGER employees, except for unionized workers. We read that all unvaccinated managers and non-union employees will have an extra $50 added to their monthly health plan costs. There will be a clear inconsistency in employee sick leave, “The Cincinnati-based grocery chain told employees last week that it will no longer provide two weeks of paid emergency leave for unvaccinated employees who contract COVID-19 unless local jurisdictions require otherwise.”

So, COVID-19 vaccinations ARE mandatory unless you are a member of Congress and its staff, the executive, branch, the SCOTUS, AND a union member of KROGER SUPERMARKETS!

KROGER is offering a $100.00 incentive for employees to get jabbed. This is similar to other corporations and cities that offered various cash incentives (some gave lottery tickets) to bribe employees to surrender personal freedom for submission to the tyranny of fear.

And, as this hobgoblin continues to torment the politicians and medical “experts,” it is amazing how the citizenry is eagerly accepting the consistent inconsistency of the COVID-19 propaganda. Today we have three groups—the vaccinated, the under-vaccinated, and the unvaccinated. I suggest to you that the under-vaccinated will soon be further divided into -1, -2, -3, ad infinitum.

Once you get onboard the vaccination treadmill, there is no stopping!

Waldo, offers this insightful comment on the “reasoned” behavior manipulated by the fearmongers in today’s political and medical realm, “Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind.”

It appears that “integrity of mind” is totally lacking in today’s politics, civics, education, and even the corporate world. A nightmarish existence is realized as we live in a world devoid of integrity.

How much is your integrity worth? Will you bow before the inconsistent reign of Tyranny and surrender your personal freedoms?

The post Kachelman: A Foolish Consistency is the Hobgoblin of Little Minds appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.