Biden Agrees He Should Go F**k Himself: Repeats ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ During White House Christmas Call

President Joe Biden agreed on live television with a NORAD caller who said “Merry Christmas and Let’s Go Brandon,” showing support for the viral phrase that is commonly known to mean “f**k Joe Biden.”

Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden were taking calls from North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) Tracks Santa program.

The couple took several calls from children and parents.

One father wished President Biden a “Merry Christmas and Let’s Go Brandon” to which the president replied “Let’s Go Brandon, I agree.”

Biden seemed somewhat confused by the development, but awkwardly continued taking calls regardless.

“Let’s Go Brandon” became a nation-wide insult for President Biden after NASCAR crowd chanted “F—- Joe Biden” and a NBC Sports reporter suggested they were cheering for the 28-year old driver, Brandon Brown.

Many believe the reporter disputed what the crowd was chanting in an attempt to save face for the White House.

“Let’s Go Brandon” has become increasingly popular as the popularity of the president and the White House decrease. 

Conservatives mocked the 79-year-old president’s latest flub on social media.

This is a breaking news story and may be updated with additional information.