Telegram Reportedly Censors The Blaze’s Elijah Schaffer

Telegram, the encrypted messaging app, has censored the discussion chat from Blaze host Elijah Schaffer’s channel on Apple and Android devices.

On Friday, Schaffer confirmed on Twitter that he was facing censorship from Telegram, the instant messaging service frequently used to create social media-like chat rooms.

“Suddenly my entire account has been restricted where I can post but nobody can comment or read posts on Android or [iOS] devices,” Schaffer tweeted.

Schaffer attached photos that showed while his channel and his ability to post itself was unaffected, the attached discussion group chat, which allows people to comment, was completely blocked on the aforementioned mobile devices, but was still available and active on desktop.

The disparity apparently occurs due to Apple and Google forcing Telegram, which generally respects free speech principles, to moderate what is viewable on their devices in order to stay on their app stores.

However, Schaffer wrote that his chat is moderated, and Telegram’s Terms of Service are followed, disputing rules were broken.

In a follow-up tweet, Schaffer noted that his Telegram censorship coincidentally happened at the same time as many other seemingly unrelated attacks on him.

“Since I’ve been investigating certain things in the last several days, I’ve coincidentally been targeted online, slandered [with] hit pieces suddenly at the top of Google, social media disabled, called a liar by conservatives etc.”

As National File reported, Schaffer was subject to a shadow ban from new pro-Trump and allegedly pro-free speech social media platform GETTR, with users unable to search for his profile on the platform, after he questioned why the platform had banned America First streamer Nick Fuentes for seemingly no reason.

While the shadowbanning was initially denied by Jason Miller, the former Trump advisor who founded GETTR, Schaffer later tweeted that the GETTR team had fixed the search problem.