POWERFUL! Professional Cycling Champion and Vaccine Victim Kyle Warner: “We Were Asked to Do Our Part for Our Country and Then Cast Aside in the Name of Profits!” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit previously reported on Kyle Warner, a 29-year-old mountain bike race champion, who was diagnosed with pericarditis, POTS, and reactive arthritis a month after he took the second dose of the Pfizer COVID vaccine.

Kyle Warner now says his career was ruined due to the diagnosis and heart problems after taking the government-promoted COVID vaccine.

On Sunday Kyle Warner spoke at the massive Defeat the Mandates march and rally in Washington DC.

Kyle delivered an emotional speech where he described how his life has changed since taking Dr. Fauci’s vaccine.

Kyle Warner:  In an instant I went from winning mountain bike races to being completely bedridden.  The last six months have been a revolving door of doctor, hospital and cardiology visits…  I wasn’t aware of the fact that the companies giving the shots were given total legal immunity by the US government.  I learned the Covid vaccines were not eligible for the vaccine injury compensation program due to their unapproved status.  This means the people behind me qualify for the government aide program specifically established to help injured Americans with vaccine injuries.  Zero corporate liability.  Zero backup plan.  What could go wrong?… We are not conspiracy theorists and anti-vaxxers. We are Americans, just like you, from every different background possible. Yet, we are united by one thing. We were asked to do our part by our country and then cast aside in the name of profit!

This was a very powerful speech!
Warner has been castigated by the left after speaking out against his horrific experience.

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