Fox News’ Peter Doocy Reveals Question He Asked Biden That Prompted “He’s a stupid son-of-a-b*tch” Hot Mic Response [VIDEO]

100 Percent Fed Up – This afternoon, the unaware Joe Biden was caught on a hot mic calling Fox News White House Correspondent Peter Doocy a “stupid son-of-a-bitch!” at the conclusion of his press conference.

As the room filled with White House correspondents cleared, Fox News’ Peter Doocy attempted to ask President Trump a final question about inflation from the back of the room. It’s difficult to hear precisely what Doocy is saying, as he’s forced to wear a face mask, but it’s

The camera moved to Joe Biden, who perhaps thought a fairy would turn off his mic, as he mumbled a response to Doocy’s question. “That’s a great asset. More inflation!” Biden mumbled. ” What a stupid son-of-a bitch!” Biden said as he shook his head and looked around the room.


Peter Doocy appeared on Fox News’ “The Five,” almost immediately after Biden’s unpresidential remarks where he was asked about the incident by the hosts.

Instead of attacking Biden, like the left-wing media would’ve done if President Trump was the one caught making the same nasty remarks on a hot mic, Doocy, to his credit, made a joke of the incident.

He explained to Fox News’”The Five” that he was trying to ask Biden how he thought inflation would be a political liability in the 2022 midterm elections, after being told the entire media pools was not to get off topic with their questions, and not to ask about Russia.

“The Five” host Jesse Watters and Greg Gutfeld had a blast making fun of Doocy for being the target of Biden’s anger.



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