Lupo: The Voter Rolls Are the Key

In January, citizen journalist Brian Lupo wrote an exceptional piece on the activities of the American left in the 2020 election.  Lupo’s report focuses on the left’s use of voter rolls in their 2020 plan to defeat President Trump at all costs.  We now know that their road to victory involved several shady and many illegal activities.  But access to voter rolls was central to their game plan.  And Democrats knew they needed voter rolls stuffed with illegitimate voters for their plans to work out.  We will hear more in the coming weeks and months on how Democrats counted on systems like ERIC and access to real-time voting data to make their plan work.

It is no surprise that ten years ago Barack Obama targeted election integrity organization True the Vote.  Democrats know it’s harder to cheat with cleaned-up voter rolls.

This report was initially reported at UndercoverDC.  We are reposting a part of that report here with permission from the author.

** You can read the entire piece at UndercoverDC.

In the 2020 election, an organization co-founded by a 2018 Obama Foundation Fellow and an acting secretary who volunteered for the Obama campaign in Ohio in 2008, with $3.7 million in revenues in 2019 was awarded $350 million by the Zuckerbergs. The money was disproportionately distributed to liberal strongholds over conservative ones. We found out during the Pima Co. AZ hearing that some of the money was allocated after the election (Pima Co. received its $950,000 on 10 November).   

CEIR executive director David Becker, who co-founded the registration database “ERIC” that is used in 29 states and DC and contains over 17 million voter records, received $69.5 million from Zuckerberg. We know those funds went disproportionately to PA, MI, AZ, GA.  These four states received over half of the $65 million awarded to 23 states. They averaged $8.75 million per state while the remaining 19 states averaged $1.58 million per state. Ironically and purely coincidentally: these four states, all red states in 2016 and AZ and GA being historically red states, swung blue in the 2020 election after long, drawn-out counts with interim vote dumps and shutdowns on Nov. 3.  

As more and more unfolds in this investigation, one thing is evident: the 2020 election was exactly as Molly Ball described it in her TIME Magazine piece “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election. 

That’s why the participants want the secret history of the 2020 election told, even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream–a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information. They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it. And they believe the public needs to understand the system’s fragility in order to ensure that democracy in America endures.” 

We know an election official in at least one state resigned from his post to take a lucrative contract to oversee elections and then returned to his Office of the Secretary of State position afterward.

We know an election vendor was paid handsomely for and given seemingly unfettered access to election equipment to perform tasks specifically designated to election officials. 

We know there were ballot marking devices that seem to have gone without or with limited Logic and Accuracy testing in a county that did a last-minute court-authorized update days before in-person voting began. In that same county, we have a non-profit’s lawyers who seem to have access to real-time voting roll updates. And there was allegedly an effort to develop a backdoor portal to the voter rolls by another non-profit. 

We know there is an election vendor who is referred to by a top county election official as a “partner, not a vendor” that prints ballots, mails them out, receives them back and stores them on a county’s behalf. This same vendor delivered over 700,000 “no stub” mail-in ballots to a county across the country just days before 11/3.

We know that a tech mogul whose platform censored conservative voices over the last year and suppressed information from credible mainstream outlets about both the election and the “pandemic” donated $400 million to two non-profits that were founded by partisan democrats. 

We know those two organizations, either directly or indirectly, seem to have had access to the voter rolls prior to, during, and potentially after the 2020 election and contracted with other non-profits, one of which was founded by a Democrat Secretary of State.

We know that the private equity firm that owns one of the election vendors received $400 million in a direct offering from a foreign bank the month before the 2020 election. We also know that most of the election equipment vendors are owned by private equity firms. 

What does all of this mean? It means our elections have been privatized. These organizations acting in a private capacity to manipulate and shape our elections are impervious to any citizen oversight in the form of FOIA requests.

The access and extent of these companies’ involvement directly in our elections are unknown as each time routers and Splunk logs are to be made available, some cosmic force seems to stop the process dead in its tracks. In Maricopa, the Board of Supervisors refused to hand them over. In Antrim Co., the case was dismissed on standing the day the routers were to be turned over in discovery. 

And our politicians, the benefactors of such manipulations, want us to pull the shades down and ignore the chaos in our streets, in our schools, in our businesses, and in our courts. They seem to encourage, or at least refuse to act, on the censorship of information on public town squares. Social media has become the 4th branch of government, acting with impunity to the Constitutional rights of Free Speech and Assembly.   

Remember: according to Rasmussen, 56 percent of voters believe fraud impacted the 2020 election.  84 percent of the GOP and 32 percent of Democrats. 

It is worth noting, in regards to FOIAable documents, that a court ruled in Arizona that Cyber Ninjas, as a contractor of the state senate, must hand over private communications within their organization. Why isn’t the same oversight being afforded to companies like Runbeck, who is called a “partner, not a vendor” by a Maricopa election official and stored returned mail-in ballots at their facility? Or VoteAtHome, who worked directly with election officials to develop an app to monitor ballots in real-time, and essentially forced an election official in Wisconsin to quit her post because of their overbearing involvement? Keep in mind, Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein of VoteAtHome was reported as having his own keys to the building where ballots were stored. Or Dominion Voting, who was contracted with an apparent verbal agreement to run the Logic and Accuracy testing in Fulton County to the tune of $2,000 per person per day for a grand total of approximately $2,000,000? 

Welcome to the United States of America, Inc. 

Read the full report at UnderCoverDC.

Brian Lupo (CannCon) is an independent “citizen journalist” who has been de-platformed by YouTube without explanation days after a Media Matters hit piece was published about him.  You can now find CannCon and his daily content at Locals, Rumble, Telegram and on GETTR and Twitter

The post Lupo: The Voter Rolls Are the Key appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.