“Trickle down” FISA Proceedings Result in Further Revocation of Rights

By Janet Phelan

As the country swings further towards despotism, some interesting and telling cases are being filed in the courts, in an effort to confront and resolve instances of oppression.

One individual filing such cases is John Christiana. While not a bar-certified attorney, he has an MS in Legal Studies and also attended law school. He is formerly the legal director of Targeted Justice, legal director of Targeted America, legal director of PACTS and the legal lead of the Alliance to End Targeting. He was also the legal lead of the European Coalition Task force and is now filing lawsuits.

In a case worth watching, Christiana recently filed a lawsuit in San Bernardino County against Walmart, alleging inappropriate conduct by named staff as well as battery by same. While some of the instances recorded by Christiana in the lawsuit could be sloughed off as simply errors by badly trained staff, together they form a pattern and practice of psychological abuse, graduating to allegations of a level of disturbing physical abuse.

The lawsuit was filed in June of 2021 in Barstow small claims court. As Christiana was prepping for his upcoming day in court, some of his documents for trial were rejected. To his surprise, he was told this was because the case had already been dismissed–before the already scheduled trial–without him being so informed.

When he requested documentation of the dismissal and also a reason why, he was told it was “confidential.”

That’s right. The litigant was barred from not only receiving notice that his case was dismissed but also refused an explanation.

According to established court procedure, both of these are big No-Nos.

A review of the case file online substantiates the fact that there appears no document relevant to the dismissal signed by the judge and no notice given to Christiana.

There are mounting concerns, buttressed by cases filed concerning targeting by the Muslim civil rights group CAIR as well as by US-born journalist Bilal Abdul Kareem, that certain constitutionally guaranteed rights are being trumped by shadowy national security designations and secret FISA court proceedings. Certainly, when the DOJ waltzed into federal court and got Kareem’s case dismissed (he had alleged he was being targeted as a journalist by drone strikes in the ME) based on sweeping generalizations of “national security,” alarm bells should have gone off in every civil rights organization and in every major media.

The Christiana case seems to continue this trend. As a “targeted individual,” Christiana’s rights are alleged to be regularly violated, as he is repeatedly hit with microwave and directed energy weapons. Rather than address his allegations, the court seems to be de facto affirming Christiana’s status as a lab rat, an individual without rights, by maintaining that the reasons for the dismissal of his case are a “secret.”

Recently, 60 Minutes ran an exposé on the “Havana Syndrome,” and featured a number of interviews with federal employees who also claim to have been attacked with this class of weapons, some on White House grounds.

Consistent with the general government policy of denying that ordinary citizens are also being attacked with these weapons, the 60 Minutes piece failed to interview anyone but federal employees. Congress has also passed a bill to provide economic assistance and health care to government employees who are attacked by directed energy weapons, ignoring the plight of everyday people.

The media representative for the San Bernardino court, Julie Vanhook, was unable to provide an explanation for the failure/refusal to inform Christiana that his case had been shut down, insisting that “I can tell you that small claims cases are not confidential and available to view online.”

A request was tendered through Ms. Vanhook to set up an interview with the Presiding Judge, which was not responded to at the time of going to press.

Christiana has gone ahead and filed a claim for damages with San Bernardino County for 42 U.S. Code § 1983 – Civil action for deprivation of rights, as well as an injunction to get a copy of the “secret dismissal” and an injunction to be able to file the small claims cases in court (taken off blacklisted list).

He has stated his intent to file a federal lawsuit if his claim is not satisfied.

He has also stated he intends to move to Washington DC shortly in order to continue his activism surrounding the issue of targeting.

Janet Phelan has been on the trail of the biological weapons agenda since the new millennium. Her book on the pandemic, At the Breaking Point of History: How Decades of US Duplicity Enabled the Pandemic, has been published in 2021 by Trine Day and is available on Amazon and elsewhere. Her articles on this issue have appeared in Activist Post, New Eastern Outlook, Infowars and elsewhere. Educated at Grinnell College, UC Berkeley and the University of Missouri Graduate School of Journalism, Janet “jumped ship” and since 2004 has been writing exclusively for independent media. Her articles previously appeared in the Los Angeles Times, Oui Magazine, Orange Coast Magazine, the Long Beach Press Telegram, the Santa Monica Daily Press and other publications. She is the author of the groundbreaking expose, EXILE and two books of poetry. She resides abroad. You may follow Janet on Parler here @JanetPhelan. To support her work, please go to JanetPhelan

Image: Washington Post

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“Trickle down” FISA Proceedings Result in Further Revocation of Rights