Defeat The Mandates April 10 Los Angeles

By Neenah Payne

Defeat The Mandates: An American Homecoming shows the amazing success of the rally in Washington, DC on January 23. The next Defeat The Mandates rally will be on April 10 in Los Angeles.

DEFEAT THE MANDATES IN D.C.: AN AMERICAN HOMECOMING — Take a look at the January 23 rally. The speakers start about 3:50 in the video.

Speakers For January 23 “Defeat The Mandates” Rally in DC

Many prominent pro-science, anti-mandate advocates addressed the crowd, including Robert F. Kennedy, Del Bigtree, Lara Logan, Dr. Paul MarikDr. Pierre Kory, Chris Martenson, Steve Kirsch, Dr. Robert MaloneDr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Christina Parks, Dr. Paul Alexander, Attorney Tricia Lindsay, Kevin Jenkins, Rev. Aaron Lewis, Rabbi Epstein, Tramell Johnson, Jo Rose (Jo Speaks Truth), Angela Stanton King, Kwame Brown, Trahern Crews. Music was also a part of the event with performances by Jimmy Levy and Hi-Rez the rapper, Five Times August, and Matt Brevner.

Several of the speakers spoke about the safety of COVID vaccines in addition to objecting to COVID vaccine mandates on democratic principles. The latest data from the U.S. government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reports 1,033,994  adverse events, including 21,745 deaths, following COVID vaccination. They challenged the official narrative that the COVID shots are “safe and effective.”

Mary Holland, CHD president and general counsel, pointed out,

The rise of tyranny can be stopped only if Americans rise up against it while they still have enough freedom left to do so. Once governments take away the rights of individuals, they are nearly impossible to regain.”

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book The Real Anthony Fauci was published in November 2021. It now has over 14,683 reviews on Amazon with 4.8 stars. Despite Mass Censorship, RFK Jr.’s Book On Fauci’s Corruption Is #1 Best Seller On Amazon, NY Times, Wall St. Journal.”


“’Your lies cannot win! Shame on you!’ With these words, former mainstream journalist Del Bigtree thoroughly settles accounts with the media such as NBC, MSNBC, Fox, and CBS in front of the Lincoln Memorial. He inspires the audience, ‘Here we are! We are on the right side of history.’ Don’t miss his fiery speech in which truthfulness, freedom, and independence once again take center stage.”


Dr. Robert Malone is the inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology used in the Pfizer and Moderna COVID shots. He is the President of the Global COVID Summit of 17,000 doctors.

The Physicians Declaration Calls COVID Policies “Crimes Against Humanity”  shows that thousands of medical professionals declare COVID policies “Crimes Against Humanity.”


Dr. Malone said he believes this is the turning point now. He said the message is that people don’t have to be afraid of COVID because treatments administered early are effective. He says under the leadership of Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, there is a coalition of states resisting the government COVID policies. He explains that vaccinated people are 27 times more likely to develop COVID symptoms than unvaccinated people!


Dr. Robert Malone’s movement and declaration to save medical ethics and medical care.

Dr. Malone called COVID-19 injection mandates “completely unjustified” for children and recommends that youths who have received COVID-19 injections have their hearts checked for damage given the risk of myocarditis and heart damage. A bill was introduced in California to allow 12-year-olds to consent to COVID-19 shots.

Dr. Malone says:

We’ve allowed the government to insert itself into the family, and that has got to stop….They’re seeking to create a situation in which children are … subjected to coercion to take an unlicensed medical product they don’t need because they are not at risk from the disease.”

See Candace Owens’ interview with Dr. Malone Part 1 and Part 2

April 10 “Defeat The Mandates” Rally in Los Angeles

See Defeat The Mandates – United We Stand. In Peace We Come Together for more information.

Medical Freed Fighters Unite! (video) was aired by Del Bigtree, host of The Highwire, on March 24. “Plandemic Director, Mikki Willis, joins Del in-studio to rally for one of the biggest medical freedom celebrations to hit America on April 10th. Join the revolution!”


The Message of the Rally: End All Mandates Everywhere

“Our message is simple:  END ALL MANDATES EVERYWHERE

Thankfully some mandates are dropping across the country, but there are still vaccine mandates that persist in schools, colleges, businesses, hospitals, and corporations. Restrictions on doctors who treat COVID, censorship by Big Tech, the unnecessary COVID-19 vaccination of children, silencing of scientific debate, and the extension of the Emergency Powers Act beyond March 1st for the coronavirus pandemic are a few of the main concerns.

In California, an aggressive slate of COVID-19-related bills—mandating vaccines for children and all employees, and allowing 12 to 17-year-olds to get the vaccine without parental consent—remain under consideration by the California state assembly.

Starting at 12 noon we will hold a day-long rally in the heart of Los Angeles at Grand Park where a wide range of featured guests including prominent doctors, recording artists, actors, journalists and premier thought leaders will give a series of inspiring talks and musical performances.”

Join us by visiting

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Del Bigtree’s Roadmap Back To Normal

BIDEN’S SOTU ADDRESS MISLEADS AMERICA ON COVID. Full Transcript of Biden’s State of the Union Address. Biden ended with, “Let’s use this moment to reset” — echoing Schwab’s Great Reset.

Del Bigtree is the host of The Highwire which collaborates with the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) to bring lawsuits to protect the public’s health and right to know.

In his ICAN State of the Union Response, Del outlined the following Roadmap to get us back to normal.

  1. Fire Tony Fauci and appoint a bipartisan commission. Fire Michelle Walensky of the CDC and build a team of independent experts free from Big Pharma ties.
  2. Respect the Constitutional rights of bodily autonomy by ending all “vaccine” mandates and immediately rehire all employees fired for refusing to comply with these unjust mandates.
  3. Put an end to censorship and restore platforms de-platformed by Big Tech.
  4. Follow the science. Remove the COVID shots which appear to have caused more harm than all vaccines combined over the last 30 years.
  5. Make safe and effective treatments available without a prescription over the counter immediately.
  6. Let doctors be doctors. Let them treat COVID according to their training and best judgment. No government bureaucrat should ever come between a person and his/her doctor.
  7. Let parents be parents. They — not school boards or government bureaucrats — know what’s best for their kids.
  8. Let kids be kids. Masks and vaccines should not be required to get an education.
  9. Let’s get back to being Americans. We do not need a Great Reset. We will not defer to the World Economic Forum or to the World Health Organization.

Buy the products at Roadmap To Normal to help spread this important message. Customize any product.

Neenah Payne writes for Activist Post and Natural Blaze

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Defeat The Mandates April 10 Los Angeles