MUST SEE: Newly Released Court Transcripts Reveal Radical SCOTUS Pick Ketanji Brown Jackson Apologizing After Giving 3-month “Slap on the Wrist” to One “Egregious Offender”

Ketanji Brown Jackson is the most radical Supreme Court nominee in America’s history, and it’s not particularly close; however, if you ask the Democrats or the progressive media propagandists, she is dually qualified to serve on the highest court – any questioning to the contrary is, unsurprisingly, condemned as racist and bigoted.

Jackson defends America-hating terrorists pro bono, she’s for open borders, has a history of promoting racist Critical Race Theory, and, most inexcusably, she is extremely soft on perverted child pornography offenders – shockingly, even more so than we were previously led to believe, according to sentencing transcripts that were exclusively obtained by the New York Post.

After these new revelations, it’s hard to imagine how anybody other than pedo apologists could support her for the Supreme Court. The upcoming Senate vote next week will be very telling in this regard.

** Call 202-224-3121 and ask for your US senator — Tell them you do not approve of such a radical activist on the US Supreme Court.

In all, Judge Jackson presided over a total of 8 child-porn cases in her time in the DC district court. As Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) pointed out during the SCOTUS confirmation hearings last week, she was unbelievably lenient in 100% of the cases, cutting the recommended jail sentence by nearly half for each offender – something that was explained away by Jackson, the media, Dems, and RINOS alike as punishment that falls within the “normal range” or “mainstream” of child porn cases.

Jackson and her supporters claimed that the full scope of her decisions could not be understood without the complete record from each trial, including transcripts, sentencing records, etc. – Only a small portion of these documents was provided to the Senate Committee before last week’s hearings.

Well, now the transcripts are out there, and, no surprise, they offer a ghastly look into Jackson’s mindset when she deals with these types of evil, heinous crimes – apologetic and forgiving. Instead of holding these fiends accountable, Jackson downplayed the disturbing evidence and gave the lightest possible sentence, the transcripts confirm.

This radical should be nowhere near a bench and a gavel, let alone the Supreme Court.

From the New York Post:

“Over and over, the records reveal, Jackson made excuses for the sex fiends’ criminal behavior and cut them slack in defiance of investigators and prosecutors — and sometimes even probation officers serving her court — who argued for tougher sentences because the cases were particularly egregious or the defendants weren’t remorseful.

In some cases, she even apologized to some of the kiddie-porn perverts for having to follow the statutes, which she called “substantially flawed.”

The transcripts from every single case are each shocking in their own right, but there are a few especially heinous examples. There is, however, a reoccurring theme among them all – she always justifies her light punishment by claiming the current recommendations are “outdated and substantially flawed.”

In one example, the Post details how Jackson gave the “bare minimum” punishment in a case where a man was convicted of distributing “egregious” child porn, including “images and videos of toddlers being abused.” The man had also boasted about molesting his 13-year-old cousin.

Jackson, herself, even admitted that this sick individual was “at risk of reoffending” and acknowledged that he refused “to take full responsibility” for his crimes, but she ignored recommendations and gave him the minimum sentence allowed by law – 60 months.

The offender was also credited with time served, reducing his actual sentence to just 38 months.

From the NY Post:

“In 2018, Christopher Michael Downs was busted trading child porn in a private online chat room, “Pedos Only,” including images of adult males raping “a prepubescent female child,” according to court records. He posted 33 graphic photos, including an image of a naked female child as young as 2 years old. Downs, then 30, told the group, “I once fooled around with my 13-year-old cousin.” He also uploaded a 10-second video of “a prepubescent female lying in a bathtub and with an adult male inserting his penis into her mouth.

Jackson herself admitted that the felon was at “risk of reoffending,” the transcript further reveals. But she declined to enhance his prison time based on the amount of porn he distributed, arguing such enhancements were “outdated” and “substantially flawed.” She acknowledged the average sentence nationally “for similarly situated defendants” was 81 months, but she gave him the statutory mandatory-minimum sentence of 60 months, which was short of the nearly six years prosecutors asked for. In addition, Jackson gave him credit for time served starting from when he was first incarcerated in October 2018, so technically she gave him only 38 months, or a little over three years, in the pen. Downs is scheduled for release in December.”

Another “egregious” offender that Jackson sentenced was given just three months in prison after prosecutors asked for over two years because he was caught with over 600 files of child porn, and was posting child rape videos online. The defendant in the case, a “young gay black man” named Wesley Hawkins, was even inexcusably apologized to by Jackson, who lauded him for his “future potential.”

For the short jail stint, Jackson sent Hawkins to a lower-security facility in order to make his stay as pleasant as possible, even arranging special protection for him that would normally be given to former police officers who end up incarcerated, according to the NY Post.

From the NY Post:

“I am not persuaded that two years in prison is necessary,” she ruled, arguing that such a sentence does not account for mitigating factors, including “Mr. Hawkin’s … future potential.” (Further explaining her decision, she disputed the severity of the evidence investigators presented and suggested the more than 600 images they caught him with “don’t signal an especially heinous or egregious child pornography offense.”)

“This is a truly difficult situation,” she told Hawkins, according to page 46 of the transcript. “I appreciate that your family is in the audience. I feel so sorry for them and for you and for the anguish that this has caused all of you.”

Jackson then expressed sorrow over even the light sentence she handed down. “I also feel terrible about the collateral consequences of this conviction,” she said, explaining that “sex offenders are truly shunned in our society, but I have no control over the collateral consequences.”

She offered that “youth and inexperience may have clouded your judgment” and dismissed concerns he was a risk to reoffend. “There’s no reason to believe you are a pedophile or that you pose any risk to children,” Jackson opined. “So It’s not necessary to incapacitate you in order to protect the public.”

Unsurprisingly, Hawkins went on to re-offend, committing another round of heinous sex crimes involving children. In 2019, Hawkins was caught possessing child porn again by his probation officer, forcing Jackson to resentence him. However, even after the repeat offense, Hawkins was given just six months in a “residential reentry center.”

Hawkins is not the only one to re-offend after they were given a sympathetic slap on the wrist by Jackson. In fact, there is currently an active warrant for a dangerous sexual predator who, prosecutors told Jackson at the time of his original sentencing, posed a substantial risk for “hands-on” sexual abuse of children, and is a “continuing threat to the community.

In 2015, Jackson sentenced Niel Alexander Stewart to just 57 months in jail, which was substantially less than the recommended 97 months. Stewart had been caught red-handed discussing grooming pre-pubescent girls for sex with an undercover officer. He was also in possession of “hundreds” of child sex images and videos, according to the court transcripts.

Needless to say, Stewart’s crimes are extremely concerning and completely sick – but apparently not, if Jackson is handing out the punishment.

From the NY Post:

“In 2015, Neil Alexander Stewart, 31, was caught with hundreds of child sex images and videos. He confided to an undercover officer posing as a fellow child predator that he was interested in “willing” children between the ages “5-11” and sought to meet at the D.C. zoo with the agent’s fictional 9-year-old daughter.

In one text cited by prosecutors, Stewart advised the undercover officer how to groom a child to have sexual intercourse, which they could later videotape: “The trick is starting with really small toys and gradually moving up until something is the same size. And vibration.”

Those are just three examples of the unbelievable way Judge Jackson rules from the bench, but that’s just the tip of a very dark iceberg. All five other cases are just as egregious and horrid in their own right.

To read the full NY Post breakdown of the transcripts, it can be found here.

One thing’s for sure – if Jackson makes the cut, it will be a sad, sad day for the Supreme Court – and more importantly the rule of law in the US.

** Call 202-224-3121 and ask for your US senator — Tell them you do not approve of such a radical activist on the US Supreme Court.

The post MUST SEE: Newly Released Court Transcripts Reveal Radical SCOTUS Pick Ketanji Brown Jackson Apologizing After Giving 3-month “Slap on the Wrist” to One “Egregious Offender” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.