The Abstract episode 19: “Geoengineered Transhumanism” by Elana Freeland

By Peter A. Kirby

“A compendium of mad science anecdotes lacking a coherent overall thesis” is how Geoengineered Transhumanism by Elana Freeland is best described. In this book there is very little to nothing about geoengineering or transhumanism. The book is vastly about things that are only tangentially related to both. These facts, coupled with scientific assertions that are simply wrong (among other issues), make for an unsatisfying read.

From the title of this book, the reader is justified in thinking that the book will deliver a thesis about how geoengineering is part of a plan to covertly re-engineer Humans. The full title of this book is Geoengineered Transhumanism: How the Environment Has Been Weaponized by Chemicals, Electromagnetism & Nanotechnology for Synthetic Biology. The cover, featuring a lightning bolt coming down out of the ionosphere to strike the tip of a skyscraper, is one of the best book covers ever. But Geoengineered Transhumanism is a lesson in not judging a book by its cover.

To be clear, let us look at a couple of definitions. The word “geoengineering” means manipulation of Earth’s large-scale, natural systems. The word ‘transhumanism’ refers to Human augmentations designed to bring about a new, technologically-enhanced species. In Geoengineered Transhumanism geoengineering is barely written about at all, transhumanism is written about only sparsely, and no significant connection between geoengineering and transhumanism is made.

There’s lots of stuff about all kinds of things in the book. There are entire sections about GMOs, vaccines, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, 5G, leylines, CERN, comets, smart cities, nuclear bombs, smart TVs, holograms, the pineal gland, DNA, the Covid shots and much more. But none of these topics are geoengineering nor are they necessarily transhumanism. These topics are only tangentially related to both and the author never draws any of this into a whole.

The fact that Geoengineered Transhumanism does not deliver on its thesis speaks to a lack of overall intellectual rigor. And throughout the pages of the book, this lack of rigor is displayed time and time again. The most prominent manifestations of this lack of intellectual rigor are the many unsupported claims. There are so many unsupported claims that it would be quite tedious to go over all of them. Let’s just take a look at the most important one.

Most saliently, Elana claims many times without attribution that smart dust is currently and routinely being sprayed from aircraft. As the reader may know, I am an expert on the documented evidence of what is being sprayed and what has historically been sprayed from aircraft and I have never seen documented evidence of smart dust being currently sprayed from aircraft. One might think that such an outrageous assertion would be backed up with a good reference or two, yet none at all is provided.

Do I believe that smart dust is currently being sprayed from aircraft? Absolutely I do. But I do not know this nor the extent of which because I have seen no documented evidence of such. Elana produces no evidence of such, and yet she writes of such as a known fact. Conflating belief and fact may make for a saucy read, but it also exhibits a lack of intellectual rigor.

Many times in Geoengineered Transhumanism Elana is just flat out wrong. Again, to note every example here (and there are many) would be tedious and cruel, so let’s just take a look at the one topic where Elana is not simply wrong but monumentally wrong: plasma. In her book Elana goes on for pages and pages about the properties and behaviors of plasma. Among a litany of spurious claims about plasma, she writes that plasma is simply ‘ionized matter.’ Plasma is more like highly energized matter and, on this planet at least, it is much less common than simple, ionized matter.

Lastly, Geoengineered Transhumanism suffers from a host of other issues such as: too many ephemeral and unreliable sources like YouTube, Facebook and Wikipedia, many typos, and quoting passages from her previous books.

To be fair, the book is not without merits. It serves as an extensive repository of cutting-edge mad science. Although the source material should be verified, Elana has dug out quite a few interesting tidbits here. One is a document titled “Hit ‘Em Where It Hurts: Strategic Attack in 2025.” This is a document from the series Air Force 2025 which I should have included in my book because the document suggests that smart dust could be sprayed from aircraft for the purpose of getting inside Humans. Reputable documents stating things like this are few and far between, so it’s great that she found this one. But, again, just because a reputable document suggests such a thing does not mean that it is routinely taking place.

I wish that Geoengineered Transhumanism was the book that I wanted it to be. I wanted to read a real triumph. I wanted a deep dive into how stuff that is known to be sprayed from aircraft such as coal fly ash gets into our bodies, then is hit with electromagnetic energy (EM) to cause biological augmentations. Sadly, I must report otherwise. Dane Wigington at has recently come forward with information about how graphene oxide is being routinely sprayed from aircraft. Maybe Elana could have written about how graphene oxide can be manipulated inside our bodies with EM to achieve transhumanism. That seems to be a rich avenue of investigation. But her book delivers none of this. Her book only teases us with a snazzy cover and a litany of mad science.


Geoengineered Transhumanism: How the Environment Has Been Weaponized by Chemicals, Electromagnetism & Nanotechnology for Synthetic Biology a book by Elana Freeland, self-published 2021

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Peter A. Kirby is a San Rafael, CA researcher, author, and activist. Please buy his book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project available now exclusively at Amazon. Also please join his email list at his website

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The Abstract episode 19: “Geoengineered Transhumanism” by Elana Freeland