Fusion Center Disinformation Portals To Spread Pro-Government News

By MassPrivateI

It appears that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is no longer satisfied with Fox News and Tucker Carlson spreading fear and wants to deliver their own version of fear-induced news.

As NBC New York revealed, DHS has decided that the best way to counter Americans growing disdain over the never-ending war on terror is to open its very first government-approved disinformation portal.

“New Jersey’s Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness has unveiled a new disinformation portal designed to help people identify truth-obscuring, manufactured information — from deepfakes to altered videos and text and the groups behind them.”

DHS claims the government has a “higher responsibility” to disseminate news to the public.

“Disinformation can have an insidious impact on the overall threat landscape,” NJOHSP Director Laurie Doran said. “In an age where the public has become increasingly dependent on online forums and social media platforms to stay informed, we all have a higher responsibility to scrutinize the information we’re consuming.”

Oh no, insidious “truth-obscuring, manufactured disinformation,” is now an “overall threat landscape” to Americans. What will the feds do to help us?

“The reality is no one platform or agency has the manpower or means to track and dispel the amount of disinformation being circulated,” added NJOHSP Deputy Director Eric Tysarczyk. “With this portal, we’re now equipping the public with the tools needed to decipher the information for themselves.”

According to the Feds, there is not one platform or government agency that can dispel disinformation, so who do you think officials want to use?

One of biggest perpetrators of disinformation in the business is not a federal agency named the CIA or the FBI.

The feds have decided to let DHS-run fusion centers disseminate government-approved news using their newly created “disinformation portal.”

Under the “What Groups Employ Disinformation Campaigns” section, DHS claims that their old nemeses – China, Russia and Iran – are behind a lot of disinformation. But then they add their own fear-inducing spin by claiming domestic extremists are behind many disinformation campaigns in the U.S.

“Various actors, including foreign adversaries such as China, Russia, and Iran, as well as extremist groups, leverage international crises and high-profile incidents to spread disinformation and misinformation to sow discord in the United States.”

As I pointed out two weeks ago, fusion centers also allege that there are at least 23 different types of violent extremists in America.

“Based on the above information, one can expect that in the near future the Feds will add Anti-Republican extremists, Anti-Democrat extremists, Anti-Big Tech extremists, Anti-Vaccine extremists, Anti-Vaccine Passport extremists, Anti-Digital ID extremists, and Anti-School Book extremists to their growing list of violent extremists.”

Ironically, DHS admits that violent domestic extremists are circulating disinformation using the same tactics that they themselves have been using for years.

“The circulation of misinformation and disinformation has the potential to reach a broad audience, incite fear, create distrust between governments and their people, increase polarization in groups and influence governmental actions or law enforcement responses. Several known disinformation campaigns have spurred incidents that were ultimately reported to the New Jersey Suspicious Activity System, as they motivated individuals to act against government officials, law enforcement, critical infrastructure and the general public.”

One could be forgiven for mistaking a disinformation portal[s] as a law enforcement playbook edited to fit whatever future threats the feds can dream up.

For over twenty-one years, DHS has eclipsed or matched the CIA in publishing fear-inducing terrorism documents and warnings.

In 2002, DHS created its color-coded advisory system that was designed to keep Americans living in fear for nine years, only to be replaced by the National Terrorism Advisory System. And twelve years ago, DHS created its “If You See Something, Say Something” campaign that treats every American as a suspected terrorist.

The news is littered with thousands of reports of innocent people being added to DHS’s secret no-fly list and law enforcement’s secret Suspicious Activity System.

New Jersey’s disinformation portals’ claims of  “identifying and vetting any truth-obscuring, manufactured information” means that government officials will simply replace disinformation with their own manufactured version of events.

One week before DHS unveiled its disinformation portal, the NJ fusion center released this gem about violent extremists in America: a New Jersey “threat assessment” report lists domestic extremists as law enforcements’ number one concern.

“The assessment details activities from homegrown violent extremists, domestic extremists and foreign terrorist organizations, in addition to highlighting cybersecurity and critical infrastructure threats.”

The threat assessment overview claims “homegrown violent extremists and white racially motivated extremists remain the most prominent threats to New Jersey in 2022.”

“Anarchist, anti-abortion, anti-government, black racially motivated, militia and sovereign citizen extremists comprise domestic moderate threats. Domestic extremists are expected to return to pre-pandemic operating norms, shifting their focus to local expansion, participating in demonstrations and engaging in low-level criminal activity.”

Classifying anti-abortion, anti-government and black racially motivated protesters as domestic extremists is one of the most blatant examples of government disinformation that I have seen.

As Fox News reported, “the greatest terrorism-related threat that we face in the homeland is the threat of domestic violent extremism” said DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. As you can see, DHS has really become a master at inciting public fear and polarizing law enforcement.

Using fusion centers to spread fear and polarize law enforcement continues to have far-reaching consequences to everyone’s freedoms.

My greatest fear is that the feds are going to create a network of seventy-nine fusion center disinformation portals that will be used to spread government-approved news to social media and news outlets with the ultimate goal of criminalizing protests and anything else our officials don’t like.

Source: MassPrivateI Blog

Top image credit: Homeland Security NJ

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Fusion Center Disinformation Portals To Spread Pro-Government News