Biden Vows to Spend Billions on ‘Climate Friendly’ Military Vehicles

In honor of Earth Day, Biden vowed to spend “billions” on “climate friendly” military vehicles in a statement to a group of Democrats. “In the United States military, every vehicle is going to be climate friendly, every vehicle,” Biden said to a round of applause. “No I mean it, we’re gonna spend billions of dollars to do it,” the president continued.

The president did not offer specifics on his “climate friendly” military vehicle plan, only that he would spend “billions.”

During the same speech, Biden spoke fondly of his 1968 Corvette that “does nothing but pollute the air”, though the president added that he doesn’t “drive very much” these days.

At this time, a fleet of solar powered, “climate friendly” military vehicles would not be feasible if the armed forces were to attain combat efficiency. Infrastructure for electric vehicles is not even developed in states like Washington, who have voted to phase out gas-fueled vehicles by the mid 2030’s.

The President has already set aside billions of dollars in climate-related electric vehicle projects. Biden’s $1.2 trillion infrastructure package, which he signed this past November, included $7.5 billion to build a national network of electric vehicle charging stations.

Biden’s rejected Build Back Better Act seeks an additional $555 billion in environmental spending, including $320 billion in tax credits for people to buy electric vehicles, install solar panels and improve home energy efficiency.

Additional climate legislation is unlikely to pass, at least for now, as Democrats hold slim majorities in Congress. Inflation soaring past 40-year highs will also put a damper on any “climate friendly” military projects that would cost billions.

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