‘Taking Orders from the Easter Bunny’: Trump Roasts Biden at Ohio Rally

Former President Trump mocked Joe Biden’s recent string of gaffes in front of a packed house in Delaware, Ohio. GOP Senate candidate J.D. Vance, who Trump recently endorsed, also spoke at the rally.

“We have a president right now, sadly, who has no idea what the hell is happening,” Trump said. “He’s shaking hands with the air, he’s walking around, somewhat bewildered. It’s no good.”

“Taking orders from the Easter Bunny? No, no, no!” Trump continued.

Though President Biden has always been known to make gaffes, the last few weeks included several notable slip-ups. Biden first claimed to have been a “full professor” at the University of Pennsylvania, then proceeded to shake hands with the air during the same speech.

Days later, at the annual White House Easter egg hunt, Biden approached a group of children and began to discuss Afghanistan policy. A person in an Easter Bunny costume then tapped Biden on the shoulder, prompting him to end the discussion and walk away at a brisk pace.

“In this moment together, we’re standing up against some of the most menacing forces, entrenched interests, and vicious opponents our people have ever seen or fought against,” Trump went on to say in Ohio. “Despite great outside powers and dangers, our biggest threat remains the sick, sinister, and evil people from within our own country.”

Trump’s Ohio rally had a strong emphasis on candidates running in the upcoming midterm elections. Speakers included GOP Senate candidate J.D. Vance and Republican U.S. Reps. Troy Balderson and Mike Carey.

“Who would have believed that the January 6 protesters, many of whom are not even accused of a violent crime, would still be rotting in prison without an ounce of due process,” Vance stated. “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m sick of of it… I’m sick of knowing that our own FBI is worried about arresting American citizens than it is about stopping the drug and sex trafficking across our southern border.”

Vance went on to blast big tech companies for “stealing the 2020 election.”

Trump endorsed Vance earlier this month over Ohio State Rep. Josh Mandel.

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