Hate is the New Love

Op-Ed by Janet Phelan

Back in the sixties, a group of us used to troop off campus during lunch hour to convene in a nearby park. Some of us used this break in routine to inhale some weed, others smooched behind a tree and some of us seriously discussed the contents of the next issue of the school’s underground newspaper. We made some efforts to avoid the campus “dick” until we realized he was merrily waving to us as we defied authority (!) and went off campus.

It was all in the spirit of the times, which embraced freedom and good will towards all (even, apparently, The Man).

Today, that high school is on perpetual lockdown. One has to pass through fences and metal detectors to gain access and free speech is a thing of the distant pass. Via the USA PATRIOT Act, teachers are encouraged, if not mandated, to report “unusual” or “dissident” speech to the authorities. Love-ins and lunches off campus are no longer tolerated. Suspicion and control are the only things on the menu. And there is now public discussion about “degenderizing” the lockerroom.

So it was not a great surprise to me when some of these values began to be reflected in the “truth community.” Several years ago I did several radio interviews on “Jew-bashing in the Patriot Community,” to find myself immediately subject to bashing. “How strange,” I thought, “that concerns about hatred are now to be reacted to with anger and hatred.”

Lately, the perceptions which prompted these radio shows have solidified. The country, indeed the world, appears to be increasingly divided between those who question official narratives vs the brute force of those who endorse them. Attempts to silence dissent range from algorithms on social media to efforts to deprive a tenured NYU professor of his job after his making some comments on Covid propaganda. Possibly the dissent-silencers are even more aggressive than this, evidenced by the recent suspicious death of the Tanzanian President, who assertively denied the official Covid narrative. One needs to also view the brute force behind the decision to attack the Canadian truckers convoy through squeezing them via their access to their bank accounts.

All of this, of course, is prompted by “love,” or by concern about our best interests…which leads us to the central thesis of this article.

The last outpost of commentary, the independent media, is now heavily infiltrated and is increasingly engaged in using mainstream tactics to silence anyone who disagrees. I was recently subjected to a full dose of anti-Jewish verbiage on the alleged “truth” show, Connecting the Dots. I responded by simply stating that I look at people individually and do not endorse the incitement of hatred against any religious, ethnic or racial group. I also commented that we should remember where such incitements ended up in Germany in the thirties.

Incredibly, the show host denied he made the very comments that resulted in my stated concerns. If “hate is the new love” then possibly lies are the new truth….

When Leila Paul, a Palestinian and former TV anchor, called in to Republic Broadcasting Network recently to protest the bombast and false statements being levied by a show host there, in response to private written communications stating concern that none other than former Grand Wizard of the KKK, David Duke, was invited to host his own program on RBN, she was screamed at and cut off the air and threatened with “banning.”

Leila Paul, who was not allowed to make public comment and was subsequently banned for her attempts (she is, like me, a former RBN host herself) has this to say about the incident–

“It was the contradiction of violating their reason for existing as a truth outlet (to) affect the interests of the nation that was being hypocritically exploited for an attack on a person who could not defend themself. If ‘free speech’ and truth are the legitimate goals of the network, then the target of defamatory comments should have been given an opportunity to consent to her communications being discussed from a self-interested, biased person whose ego had been injured.”

Aren’t these the same tactics that impelled the creation of RBN, which flies under the banner of “Because you CAN handle the truth”?

The ersatz truth community more and more seems to be huddling under the same umbrella as those they purport to controvert. If vilification of blacks and Jews, simply because they are blacks and Jews, is now acceptable in the truth community, then maybe someone can explain how this differs from the mainstream narrative, which appears to support “Liberty and Justice for all” while in stealth mode allowing police to murder people of color, to attack the elderly and vulnerable through these bogus guardianship proceedings, and to then state that this is all done “for our own good.”

I have said it before and I will say it again–race, religion, age and ethnicity are exterior trappings. We all have a spark of the divine within us and based on that perception, people need to be evaluated and responded to individually and not on these externals. If hatred  towards groups is now again in vogue, we are only a few steps away from the gas chambers.

Janet Phelan has been on the trail of the biological weapons agenda since the new millennium. Her book on the pandemic, At the Breaking Point of History: How Decades of US Duplicity Enabled the Pandemic, has been published in 2021 by Trine Day and is available on Amazon and elsewhere. Her articles on this issue have appeared in Activist Post, New Eastern Outlook, Infowars and elsewhere. Educated at Grinnell College, UC Berkeley and the University of Missouri Graduate School of Journalism, Janet “jumped ship” and since 2004 has been writing exclusively for independent media. Her articles previously appeared in the Los Angeles Times, Oui Magazine, Orange Coast Magazine, the Long Beach Press Telegram, the Santa Monica Daily Press and other publications. She is the author of the groundbreaking expose, EXILE and two books of poetry. She resides abroad. You may follow Janet on Parler here @JanetPhelan. To support her work, please go to JanetPhelan.

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Hate is the New Love