SHOCKING: Per New Mexico Auditors Dominion Voting Systems Can Fill-In Ballots – Uncovered 2019 New York State Audit Confirms This

The ‘News’ have it.  An audit in ‘New Mexico’ recently identified that Dominion Voting Systems can fill in ballots.  This was confirmed previously in an audit in New York.

On Monday evening in New Mexico, the auditors of the 2020 Election Audit in Otero identified that the Dominion Voting system can fill in ballots.  The machines used in audits have a print capability as seen in the picture above.  Using this capability ballots can be filled in.

New Mexico Audit Identifies Feature in Dominion Voting Machines that Allows Ballots to be Filled Out by Machine Itself

We identified a report from an audit in New York of the Dominion Voting Systems, performed in 2019.  This report also addresses this issue as noted in the report below.  This report was prepared for the New York State of Elections.  It too discusses the Dominion ImageCast Evolution (ICE) Voting Systems which were discussed by the auditors in New Mexico.

In the New York report, the following is claimed that the auditors identified that Dominion has malicious code that could allow for the machines to print additional marks on an already marked ballot.

See report below:

Dominion-ICE Review 2019 0416 by Jim Hoft on Scribd


The post SHOCKING: Per New Mexico Auditors Dominion Voting Systems Can Fill-In Ballots – Uncovered 2019 New York State Audit Confirms This appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.