MLB Manager Will Skip National Anthem Until ‘Direction of the Country’ Changes

Major League Baseball continued its hard pivot towards leftist causes when San Francisco Giants Manager Gabe Kapler announced that he would be skipping the national anthem until the “direction of the country” changes. Kapler has called for strict gun control and said his actions are inspired by the Uvalde massacre.

“I don’t plan on coming out for the anthem going forward until I feel better about the direction of our country,” Gabe Kapler said before a series opener at Cincinnati. “I don’t expect it to move the needle necessarily. It’s just something that I feel strongly enough about to take that step.”

Earlier in the day, he used his personal blog to call for strict gun control and asked why Americans are beholden to “the gun lobby.”

“We elect our politicians to represent our interests. Immediately following this shooting, we were told we needed locked doors and armed teachers. We were given thoughts and prayers. We were told it could have been worse, and we just need love,” Kapler wrote in a piece titled “Home of the Brave.

“But we weren’t given bravery, and we aren’t free. The police on the scene put a mother in handcuffs as she begged them to go in and save her children. They blocked parents trying to organize to charge in to stop the shooter, including a father who learned his daughter was murdered while he argued with the cops,” Kapler continued. “We aren’t free when politicians decide that the lobbyist and gun industries are more important than our children’s freedom to go to school without needing bulletproof backpacks and active shooter drills.”

He went on to explain that he has lost faith in what America stands for and said he wanted to kneel for the anthem on Thursday night. Gabe Kapler has previously knelt in honor of Jacob Blake, a convicted sex offender who was shot by Kenosha police officers while attempting to kidnap a child.

He will not be kneeling going forward, though he has stated that he wishes he would have when Colin Kaepernick started his protest. Instead, he will boycott the anthem altogether until he gets his way.

Gabe Kapler’s actions continue a sudden but hard left push from the MLB, that has been accompanied by abysmal ratings.

Despite a large majority of Americans now in favor of voter I.D. — including a plurality of Democrats — MLB honored a request from President Biden to move last year’s All-Star Game from Atlanta, Georgia. Biden, Stacey Abrams and numerous other leftists have claimed that Georgia’s recently enacted election integrity bill is “voter suppression” for instituting voter I.D. and banning drop boxes.

Both Biden and Stacey Abrams have distanced themselves from the move, which has cost the state millions of dollars, though the MLB continues to pander to the fringe left. Last year’s All-Star Game was the second least watched telecast in the event’s history.

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