Biden Falsely Claims That January 6 Crowd Killed Two Police Officers

President Biden falsely claimed that January 6 protesters “killed two police officers” during a commencement speech at the University of Delaware, his alma mater. Biden, along with his party and the mainstream press, repeatedly advanced the lie that Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick was “beaten to death with a fire extinguisher.” It has long been confirmed that Sicknick died of natural causes.

“A mob of insurrectionists stormed the Capitol, the very citadel of democracy,” Biden told Delaware graduates. “Imagine what you’d be thinking today if you had heard this morning before you got here that a group of a thousand people broke down the doors of the parliament of Great Britain, killed two police officers, smashed and ransacked the office of members of the British Parliament or any other, what would you think? What would you think?”

Officer Sicknick’s death was falsely attributed to the crowd in the days following the protest. President Biden attended his funeral and used his death to call for an authoritarian crackdown against his political opponents, branding them as “insurrectionists.”

The department claimed that Sicknick was injured while battling with protesters, but an autopsy later revealed that Sicknick died of natural causes. The Washington, DC Office of the Chief Medical Examiner told the Washington Examiner last April that Sicknick’s death was “natural” and caused by two strokes.

Still, Biden and others have falsely attributed Sicknick’s death to the January 6 crowd without accountability.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi even paid tribute to the “five police officers who were killed” during a ceremony on the one-year anniversary of the protest. In order to do so, Pelosi attributed the deaths of police officers who committed suicide in the days following the event in her fake death toll.

Most remarkably, Pelosi even named an officer who was killed by a black nationalist in a separate attack that took place last spring. William Evans, who was killed by black nationalist Noah Green after he intentionally ran him down with his car near the entrance to the Capitol, was included in Pelosi’s memorial.

The only deaths that can be attributed to the day’s events were those of two protesters: Ashli Babbitt and Rosanne Boyland.

Babbitt was shot by a Capitol police officer — who was previously disciplined for leaving his service weapon in a bathroom — while climbing through a broken window. Although riot police were already on the stairs and had the crowd largely subdued, Michael Byrd decided to fatally shoot her anyway.

He has since been hailed as a hero by the left and was cleared without even conducting an interview with investigators.

Another protester, Rosanne Boyland, was beaten by Capitol police officer Lila Morris while she was unconscious. A bombshell report from The Epoch Times showed the timeline of Boyland’s death, revealing numerous instances of police misconduct. Video clearly shows officer Morris repeatedly striking an unconscious Boyland with a blunt object, which provoked the rage of the crowd. Some of the protesters who fought back against Morris are still in prison.

Morris was later honored at the Super Bowl.

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