AOC, Maxine Waters Call on Leftists to Pour Into The Streets After Roe Ruling

Last Updated on June 24, 2022

U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) called the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe. V. Wade “illegitimate” and called for leftists to get “into the streets.” The far-left Congresswoman has spent the last year calling the January 6 Capitol protests an “insurrection.”

Ocasio-Cortez led protesters in a chant of “this decision is illegitimate” outside the Supreme Court Building. They also chanted “in the streets.”

AOC’s rhetoric comes as left-wing extremists have called for a “night of rage” in response to the decision. The pro-abortion militant group “Jane’s Revenge” has posted flyers calling for such an action around Washington D.C. in recent days.

The group has also claimed responsibility for a number of attacks on pro-life offices and pregnancy centers. Attacks have been recorded in Wisconsin, Iowa and Washington D.C. among other places.

Federal law enforcement has warned Catholic Churches to be on guard for potential leftist violence over the weekend as well. Pro-abortion extremists have targeted the Catholic Church since the majority of the current conservative justices practice the faith.

I’m addition to the incendiary rhetoric from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) has called for similar action.

“You see this turnout here?” Waters said in reference to the crowd gathered outside the Supreme Court. “Women are going to control their bodies no matter how they try and stop us.”

“To hell with the Supreme Court,” Waters continued. “We will defy them.”

Democrats have renewed calls to pack the Supreme Court in response to the ruling.

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