Gov’t Workers Stricken with “Havana syndrome” Will Receive Financial Compensation

By B.N. Frank

In 2021, President Biden signed a law to help “Havana Syndrome” victims.  While some continue describing it as “Anomalous Health Incidents” or  a “mysterious condition,” numerous experts have been claiming all along that it’s likely being caused by exposure to electromagnetic radiation and/or microwave energy (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).  Regardless of how the syndrome is being described, some government employee victims will now be compensated for being afflicted.

From Newser:

‘Havana Syndrome’ Victims to Receive Compensation

Biggest amounts could go to those who lost their jobs because of symptoms

By Bob Cronin,  Newser Staff

(Newser) – After years of investigations and legislative pressure from Congress on their behalf, some victims of “Havana Syndrome” are to receive $100,000 to $200,000 each in compensation. The health problems first reported by diplomats and intelligence officials include headaches, vision problems, dizziness, and brain fog. The US has not been able to determine the cause of what it calls Anomalous Health Incidents. The biggest payments would be awarded to current and former employees who lost their jobs or whose careers were damaged. The amounts are not yet final, the Washington Post reports.

A law passed by Congress last fall calls for the CIA director and the secretary of state to decide who’s eligible, leading to concerns about fairness. “It is crucial that CIA and State implement the Havana Act in an identical fashion,” said Marc Polymeropoulos, a former senior CIA officer who retired in 2019 while suffering headaches and other symptoms. He was afflicted after running clandestine operations in Russia in 2017. The symptoms first were identified by staff members in Havana but by now have been reported on every continent except Antarctica.

Speculation had raged for years that a foreign enemy was using a weapon of some sort on Americans. But the CIA has said it’s found no evidence of that, though it’s also said pulsed electromagnetic energy devices could be the culprits. Investigators have looked into more than 1,000 cases and couldn’t explain dozens of them. But they said most symptoms were caused by environmental factors or preexisting medical conditions, per the Post. The Pentagon, National Institutes of Health, and other agencies have designed a new exam to assess potential cases. (Read more Havana Syndrome stories.)

When people who are not American diplomats and their family members experience similar symptoms and injuries reported by “Havana syndrome” victims after they are exposed to sources of electromagnetic radiation and microwave energy, this is often referred to as Microwave Sickness, Radiation Sickness, Electromagnetic Sensitivity (ES) and/or Electromagnetic Hypersensivity (EHS).

ES is a federally recognized disability, though many suffering from it remain undiagnosed.  In 2021, a federal court ruled in favor of organizations and petitioners that sued the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for NOT adequately protecting Americans from wireless radiation exposure and non-profit groups petitioned the U.S. Health and Human Services Department (HHS) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to declare wireless radiation an “imminent” health hazard and start warning the public.  So far, no dice.

As more American government workers report experiencing symptoms of “Havana Syndrome” and file lawsuits, the connection to EHS, ES, Microwave Sickness, and/or Radiation Sickness becomes more obvious to scientists and everyone else.  Unfortunately, the countless other Americans who are experiencing illnesses and injuries from exposure to cell towers (4G and 5G), utility “Smart” Meters, and other common sources continue to be mostly disregarded and/or marginalized even by the government agencies that are supposed to protect them (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8).

Activist Post reports regularly about “Havana Syndrome”, ES, EHS, Microwave Sickness, Radiation Sickness, and unsafe technology.  For more information, visit our archives and the following websites:

Image: Medscape

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Gov’t Workers Stricken with “Havana syndrome” Will Receive Financial Compensation