BREAKING: Utah Judge Temporarily Blocks State’s ‘Trigger Law’ Abortion Ban After Lawsuit By Planned Parenthood and ACLU

A Utah judge has temporarily blocked a “trigger law” banning most abortions in the state.

A Democrat judge in Louisiana also issued a temporary halt on a trigger law in that state earlier in the day.

In 2020, Utah passed S. B. 174, which bans abortions except in cases of rape, incest or severe fetal “brain abnormality.” The bill specifically excludes the removal of miscarriages or ectopic pregnancies from the definition of abortion. The law would only trigger if the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, which it now has.

Under the law, an abortionist could face up to 15 years in prison and heavy fines for performing the procedure, but the pregnant women would face no penalties.

On Saturday, Planned Parenthood of Utah and the American Civil Liberties Union filed a joint lawsuit to try and block the state law. They claim that the “catastrophic” law violates the state constitution.

On Monday, 3rd District Court Judge Andrew Stone issued a temporary restraining order blocking the law for 14 days during an emergency hearing.

“The immediate effects that will occur outweigh any policy issues of the state,” Judge Stone said, according to Fox 13 reporter Ben Winslow.

Lawyers for Planned Parenthood had argued that since the trigger law went into effect, over two dozen women seeking abortions were turned away. They claimed that 28 others are waiting right now, and asked for an injunction so their abortions could be completed. They claimed that every day a woman has to continue a pregnancy they have decided to end “is a substantial harm.”

Judge Stone said that the issue will likely go to the state’s Supreme Court.

Earlier in the day, Louisiana Judge Robin Giarrusso of the Orleans Parish Civil District Court issued an order temporarily halting the law after abortion providers in the state filed a lawsuit.

BREAKING: Democrat Louisiana Judge Blocks State Trigger Law Banning Abortion

The judge will hold a hearing on the case July 8 and determine if the law will remain blocked.

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