Report: Biden Expected To Use Executive Power To Declare Climate Change Emergency

Last Updated on July 19, 2022

President Joe Biden is expected to declare a national climate change emergency as soon as this week.

The Hill reported Tuesday that the White House could announce a climate change emergency on Wednesday. The White House officially announced President Biden will speak on about climate change in Somerset, Massachusetts on Wednesday.

“One of the sources said that federal agencies are expecting an executive order declaring a climate emergency as soon as tomorrow, but it’s not entirely clear what it will entail,” The Hill noted.

Biden admin officials have declined to confirm or deny if the President plans on officially rolling out a climate emergency declaration.

In an email response to the Hill, a White House official said “The President made clear that if the Senate doesn’t act to tackle the climate crisis and strengthen our domestic clean energy industry, he will. We are considering all options and no decision has been made.”

Congress was unable to pass Democrat-supported climate legislation after Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) backed away from legislation negotiations last week.

Manchin reportedly told his fellow party members he refused to “support an economic package that contains new spending on climate change or includes new tax increases targeting wealthy Americans or corporations.” 

The Supreme Court hurt Biden’s climate change agenda in June when they ruled in a 6-3 decision that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is not allowed to pass extensive regulations on greenhouse gas emissions without Congressional approval.

The Court explained how it was Congress’ responsibility to try and pass any climate change legislation, saying, “a decision of such magnitude and consequence rests with Congress itself, or an agency acting pursuant to a clear delegation from that representative body.”

READ MORE: SCOTUS Decision Stops EPA Regulation, Crushes Biden Climate Agenda

The SCOTUS decision reaffirmed Congressional approval is needed to establish some national system to mandate the regulation of emissions.

Despite this SCOTUS ruling, Biden hinted that he would take “strong executive action” to advance his climate change agenda.

Stay tuned to National File for any updates.

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