“Oh My Gosh!” – CNBC’s Rick Santelli Reacts to Second Quarter GDP Drop, Blasts Biden Regime For Trying to Redefine Recession (VIDEO)

US RECESSION WATCH — Second Quarter GDP comes in at negative 0.9%.

The GDP shrank by 1.6 percent in the first quarter of 2022.

The US economy is in a recession no matter what the Biden Regime says.

CNBC’s Rick Santelli reacted to the second quarter GDP drop Thursday morning.

“Oh my gosh!” Santelli shouted as the GDP numbers were released. “Down 0.9% on first and second quarter GDP! Down 9/10 of 1%!”

Santelli blasted the Biden Regime for trying to redefine the term recession.

“There’s an organization that decides whether there’s a recession or not but investors? They’re not gonna wait! Two back-to-back quarters! It’s not good! Call it whatever you want!” Santelli said.


Joe Biden on Monday straight up denied the US is going into a recession.

“We’re not gonna be in a recession in my view,” Biden said rattling off his talking points that the US is going to go from “rapid growth to steady growth.”


The post “Oh My Gosh!” – CNBC’s Rick Santelli Reacts to Second Quarter GDP Drop, Blasts Biden Regime For Trying to Redefine Recession (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.