Corrupt Obama Judge Doesn’t Recuse Himself Then Gives Dr. Simone Gold Harsh Sentence After She Turned Him Down for Date in College

The judge in Dr. Simone Gold’s case once asked her out and was denied.  Years later he sentences her to 60 days in prison for a public trespassing misdemeanor. 

Julie Kelly reported that she received a statement from Dr. Gold before the doctor reported to prison.  In the letter, Dr. Gold mentions that the judge in her case asked her out once in law school.  She denied his request.  He didn’t recuse himself from her case in spite of this.  He berated her and accused her of not caring about the “5” people that died on Jan 6 [a lie – only four Trump supporters died that day].  Then he gave her over-the-top sentencing of 60 days in prison for a misdemeanor.

InfoWars reports:

“The government charged me as a criminal defendant due to being present at the Capitol on January 6, 2021,” Dr. Gold wrote.

She continued, “I found out that I was assigned to Judge Christopher Cooper. This did not mean anything to me. I believed he would have recused himself as we knew each other in law school.”

The doctor described interacting with Judge Cooper on “several” occasions during college.

“One was one time when we walked/talked for some time (perhaps two hours) and got some food,” she wrote. “I believe this was second half of first year. My recollection was we walked from the Law School to a common area (on campus). I don’t recall what we ate etc. I recall general conversation – that he was from the south, that he had gone to Yale, that he was ambitious.”

“The conversation was pleasant,” Dr. Gold admitted. “My impression was that he was cute and that he thought similarly of me. We had other brief ‘hello how are you’ pleasantries. The other interaction that stood out was a week, perhaps two weeks later. This was in the (outside) courtyard of the Law School and we were just talking. After about 10-15 minutes Casey asked me out again, this time a formal invitation to a dinner date, following our prior less formal interactions. This I declined. Just because I wasn’t interested.”

Again, the doctor said she assumed Judge Cooper would have recused himself.

Dr. Gold has no record.  She was protesting peacefully in the Capitol and was let in by the Capitol police.  She has two children and she works in the inner city ER to help inner-city families.

What is going on?

Below is the letter sent to Julie Kelly.

Julie Kelly then found that the same Judge Cooper had sentencing overturned for going too easy on a Benghazi terrorist.

Judge Cooper also oversaw the recent Durham case on Michael Sussmann.  He never should have overseen that case as well.  His wife is Lisa Page’s attorney.  He did all he could to help Sussmann in this case.

Obama Judge in Sussmann Case Totally Conflicted and His Actions Now Show It

This Obama judge has a track record of unjust and conflicted rulings.  Then again, he’s an Obama judge.

The post Corrupt Obama Judge Doesn’t Recuse Himself Then Gives Dr. Simone Gold Harsh Sentence After She Turned Him Down for Date in College appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.