EXCLUSIVE: Evidence of Election Irregularities and Potential Fraud Mechanisms in Virginia Presented to Top State Officials

A group of concerned citizens and experts provided information to top Virginia officials in June.  They are still waiting on the state’s response. 

TGP reported shortly after the 2020 Election that President Trump was way ahead in Virginia on Election night and then the state was called – for Joe Biden – with President Trump still holding a big lead.  This made no sense.

We went on to discuss that large ballot drops of over 300,000 votes were recorded for Joe Biden and then after that point in time, Biden maintained the lead in bizarre ratios of Biden to Trump in all ballot drops recorded once Biden took the lead.

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Multiple Reversals and Proportional Vote Entries In Virginia on Election Night after 11 PM Indicate Election Fraud Occurred in This State Too

This wasn’t all that is concerning with Virginia.  In a recent meeting with Virginia’s Attorney General, Robert Pressler (Scott Pressler’s father) and individuals connected to Joe Flynn’s organization (TAP), and others gave a presentation sharing their concerns with recent election results and actions that may relate to fraud.

They discussed the above issues from the 2020 Election with unbelievable and impossible ballot drops.  They also discussed problems with the recent purchase and implementation of poll pads throughout the state.  (Note that Voter System Testing Lab SLI performed a review of these poll pads and they were not certified.)

This group also shared information on canvassing results and more in an effort to save free and fair elections in that state.  These issues are prevalent across the country and yet the Democrats push these fraudulent activities and the GOP ignores them.

After not hearing back from the state, Robert Pressler responded with the following letter.

An Open Letter:

Governor Glenn Youngkin
Attorney General Jason Miyares
Commissioner Susan Beals, Department of Elections

Why has the Youngkin Administration ignored evidence of election irregularities and potential fraud mechanisms?

Over seven weeks ago in Richmond (6 June), I participated in a 90-minute briefing of election irregularities to Senior Assistant Attorney General and Chief Joshua Lief and Commissioner of the Department of Elections Susan Beals. Our team was composed of the Chief Legal Officer for The America Project, the Director of Virginians for America First (VFAF), and four citizen-investigators immersed in research and discovery of Virginia election irregularities since November 2020. We provided copies of a 125-page document containing all briefing, background, evidentiary, and reference materials. We presented an undeniable pattern of irregularities demanding investigation.

Despite our outreach for follow-up twice, we have had no response. This is particularly concerning since the required 22-month preservation of 2020 election records expires on 3 September, allowing the full destruction of all records and papers as of midnight. We are left to believe — with their silence — that Governor Youngkin and his team are trying to “run out the clock” to evade questioning on the integrity of Virginia’s 2020 and 2021 elections.

What did the briefing include?

Troubling results of statewide canvassing operations for the 2020 and 2021 elections. (1) VFAF’s 2020 canvassing demonstrated a 31% registration error-rate and a 7% votes-cast error-rate. (2) The 2021 canvas (conducted in real-time) demonstrated a 5.7% absentee-ballot error-rate, which equates to an estimated 68,000 votes (inconveniently greater than the margin of victory for Governor Youngkin).

The wrongful certification of 2020 electronic poll books. In September 2020, just one day before the start of early voting, the State Board of Elections certified DemTech Centerpoint ePollTab electronic poll books for use, ignoring the testing laboratory’s report and Technical Data Package that included an extraordinary, legally-specific NON-COMPLIANCE disclaimer. These poll books were in wide-use throughout the state for the 2020 and 2021 elections, and are planned for use this November. Have they ever been properly certified?

Serious concerns with state data and records. (1) There are multiple, irreconcilable discrepancies between state voter databases, including the Registered Voter List, the Voter History List, and the Daily Absentee List. (2) There is no ability to attribute 2020 absentee votes back to their “home” precincts, which would have served as a “firewall” and check against excess ballots. (3) There have been recurring changes made to public historical turnout data — without any explanation, database snapshots, or error documentation. (4) Statistical analysis of election “fingerprint” data shows patterns that do not agree with the expected distributions found in free and fair elections, as specified by the published literature of USAID and research of the National Academy of Sciences.

Statistically impossible voter registration rates. In October 2020, Judicial Watch reported that Virginia had 24 counties with 100%, and higher, voter registration rates, yielding a statewide average rate of 95.6% (the national average was 67%). This excess registration was confirmed through VFAF canvassing, and followed a 2019 statutory notice to Virginia of similar violations of the National Voter Registration Act. Have these unreasonable rates been mitigated for the coming midterms?

2020 voting irregularities that defy nature, logic and probability. (1) Lean-batch analysis of central absentee precinct returns shows marked, abnormal, discontinuities consistent with known election anomalies in other states. (2) During live tabulation, there were FIVE large-batch events (over 300,000 votes-in, votes-out, votes-in, votes-out, and votes-in) with varying, improbable proportions of Biden-to-Trump votes that effectively reversed the lead in Virginia from 52% Trump to 52% Biden. (3) Subsequent live tabulation shows nearly every batch, regardless of size, contained the EXACT SAME proportion of Biden-to-Trump votes: 55% to 45%.

Suspicious and unexplained activities. (1) There are over 900,000 voters statewide who were coded in the voter database as “active” voters, despite not having voted for 5 or more years, and in two federal elections. (2) Records from the state Board of Elections indicate almost 64,000 more ballots than voters in the 2020 election!

  • Don’t these election irregularities and potential fraud mechanisms merit investigation?!?
  • If not, what possible justification can you offer?
  • Given these egregious departures from standards, practices and state election law, how can We The People be confident that our coming midterm election will be secure, free and fair?

What do we ask at this point?

We ask for the courtesy of an immediate reply and the urgent opening of constructive dialogue. Furthermore, the Virginia Code, §24.2-104, authorizes the Attorney General to conduct an investigation, prosecute a violation, secure the enforcement of election laws, and report results of the investigation to the State Board. Accordingly, to safeguard all options, the Attorney General must take immediate steps to ensure the retention and preservation of all voting records and papers associated with the 2020 election. 

In Liberty,

Robert G. Presler

Let’s hope Virginia’s leadership gets back to Mr. Pressler and work to solve these issues quickly.  Hopefully, other states recognize that our free and fair elections are under attack. 

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