After NYT Protects Ray Epps, Man Who Never Entered Capitol Sentenced To 7 Years In Prison

Last Updated on August 2, 2022

Just two weeks after the New York Times authored a puff piece defending Ray Epps, a Jan. 6th protestor who encouraged Trump supporters to enter the Capitol, Guy Reffitt, a 49-year-old Texan was sentenced to over 7 years in prison since he “lit the match” of Jan. 6th, according to prosecutors.

Reffitt never entered the Capitol but was charged with five counts: two counts of civil disorder, one count of obstruction of an official proceeding, one count of entering and remaining on restricted grounds with a firearm, and one count of obstruction of justice.

Prosecutors claimed Reffitt’s crime was that he wanted to “influence and retaliate against government conduct.”

“Reffitt sought not just to stop Congress, but also to physically attack, remove, and replace the legislators who were serving in Congress. This is a quintessential example of an intent to both influence and retaliate against government conduct through intimidation or coercion,” the sentencing memo reads.

Prosecutors ought to increase Reffitt’s charges to 15 years, trying to get him convicted of being a terrorist. US District Judge Dabney Friedrich denied the sentencing increase request since it would create “an unwanted sentencing disparity” between Reffitt and other Jan. 6 defendants.

It seems there is already such a disparity between Reffitt and Epps though.

Reffitt never entered the Capitol, never physically assaulted Capitol police, nor did he brandish the weapon he carried.

The nonviolent Trump supporter was also held in a Washington, D.C. jail for a whopping 19 months before his sentencing Tuesday.

Contrasting Reffitt, Ray Epps removed barriers surrounding Capitol grounds on the 6th, and encouraged protestors to enter the capitol on January 5th and the 6th, but never saw a jail cell or faced repercussions.

READ MORE: 1-6 Agitator Ray Epps is a Victim, According to The New York Times

Reffitt’s wife, Nicole, told reporters her husband’s trial proved there are “corrupt, evil politicians here in this city” who are working to undermine liberty and the right to protest.

“This isn’t just about Guy Wesley Reffitt. This isn’t about just January 6th. This is about our liberties being stomped on,” she explained.

Stay tuned to National File for any updates.

RELATED: Ray Epps’ Pro-Democrat Past Resurfaces As New York Times Comes To His Rescue