Shaun King Accused Of Spending $40K From PAC Donations To Purchase Dog

Last Updated on August 2, 2022

Black Lives Matter activist and Democrat Shaun King reportedly siphoned off $40,000 of donations from his super PAC to buy a dog for his family.

The Washington Beacon first reported that King’s Grassroots Law PAC paid $10,000 and $30,650 to Potrero Performance Dogs in California in December and February, respectively.

One day after his February payment, King published a Facebook post with a photo of a prize show dog welcoming a “new member of the King family.”

The Facebook post was recently removed from his profile.

The far-Left figure’s PAC website claims the PAC was created “for a simple reason: if we want to see deep, systemic change to end oppressive policing, incarceration, and injustice in this country, we need leaders in office who will make it happen.”

RELATED: Shaun King Moves Facebook Grift To Canada And ‘The Caribbean’ To Avoid Being ‘Swarmed By Trolls,’ Alleges Global Conspiracy Against Himself

There is no mention of dog purchases being part of the PAC’s mission.

While the dog purchase cost $40,000, during this election cycle, Grassroots Law PAC has also spent $56,000 on political campaign contributions.

Scott Walter, the president of Capital Research Center, a group that investigates left-wing organizations, said King’s actions were disrespectful.

“This luxury dog expense may not be illegal for a PAC, but it shows little respect for King’s donors,” Walter told the Washington Free Beacon.

The Black Lives Matter activist is no stranger to controversy involving fundraising schemes.

After 12-year-old Tamir Rice was shot and killed by police officers last June, Rice’s mother attacked King for allegedly trying to profit off of her son’s death. Samaria Rice said he was a “white man acting black,” and said she “never gave you permission to raise nothing” after King fundraised $125,000 off of Tamir Rice’s name.

RELATED: Shaun King Moves Facebook Grift To Canada And ‘The Caribbean’ To Avoid Being ‘Swarmed By Trolls,’ Alleges Global Conspiracy Against Himself

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