Senate Parliamentarian Approves Key Climate and Drug Plan in Dems’ $740 Billion Tax-and-Spend Bill

The Senate Parliamentarian on Saturday approved key climate and prescription drug elements of the Democrats’ $740 billion tax-and-spend bill.

The tax-and-spend bill will be passed through budget reconciliation (no Republican votes needed) so it needed approval from the Senate Parliamentarian.

Senate Parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough however did nix a Medicare inflation rebate from the bill.

Schumer didn’t seem fazed by it and said the senate is moving forward with a ‘vote-a-rama’ on the legislation anyway.

Senate Parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough

Fox News reported:

Senate Democrats say Senate Parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough approved key elements of their social spending and taxation bill just hours ahead of a key vote to start debate on the measure.

The parliamentarian also said one element of the legislation, a Medicare inflation rebate, does not conform with Senate rules, according to Democrats. But Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., indicated that won’t stop Democrats from pushing ahead with votes this weekend.

“Democrats have received extremely good news: For the first time, Medicare will finally be allowed to negotiate prescription drug prices, seniors will have free vaccines and their costs capped and much more. This is a major victory for the American people,” Schumer said Saturday.

“While there was one unfortunate ruling in that the inflation rebate is more limited in scope, the overall program remains intact, and we are one step closer to finally taking on Big Pharma and lowering Rx drug prices for millions of Americans.”

Penn Wharton, Moody’s and the Tax Foundation all said the new bill will NOT reduce inflation.

“The Democrats’ Bidenflation Scam would INCREASE taxes on oil by $25B. And as inflation goes up, so does the tax!” the RNC said. “Natural gas isn’t spared either. Industry experts warn the methane tax in the bill would increase natural gas costs by 17%, or $100 a year for the average family.”

Democrat Senators will be able to vote on this bill even if they are Covid-positive.

“Senate Democrats, some of whom have decried their GOP colleagues’ lenient attitude toward masking, have adopted an unofficial “Don’t Test, Don’t Tell,” protocol of late, particularly as they endeavor to pass the historic Inflation Reduction Act this weekend.” Puck News reported.

“One senior aide told me, “They’re not going to delay it if a member has gotten Covid. Counterparts are saying they’re not going to test anymore. It’s not an official mandate but we all know we’re not letting Covid get in the way. The deal is happening. Less testing, just wear masks and get it done.”

Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer chimed in: “We’re not talking about a plan B. We’re going to stay healthy.”

Puck News also reported that Covid-positive Senators can show up and vote “you can bring your ventilator and still vote…”

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