LATEST DEEP STATE LEAK: FBI Retrieved 11 Sets of Alleged ‘Classified’ Documents – Binders of Photos – Handwritten Notes – Taken in Mar-a-Lago Raid

Another day, another leak by the FBI Deep State to damage President Donald Trump.

The Deep State FBI leaked the contents of the boxes of documents they took in the raid on President Trump’s home on Monday night.

According to the anonymous leak to The Wall Street Journal the items included:

** 20 boxes of items
** 11 sets of classified documents
** Top secret documents
** Sensitive Compartmented documents
** Binders of photos
** Clemency order for Roger Stone
** Information about the “President of France”
** A handwritten note

The New York Post reported:

The FBI recovered 11 sets of classified documents — including some marked top secret and only meant to be available in special government facilities — from former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate following its raid earlier this week, according to a new report.

The Wall Street Journal, citing a leaked inventory of what was taken from the Palm Beach resort, reported that agents removed around 20 boxes as well as a handwritten note, binders of photos, and Trump’s clemency grant to his longtime adviser Roger Stone.

Among the classified materials collected were four sets of top secret documents, three sets of secret documents and three of confidential documents, according to the three-page list. Top Secret is the highest level of classification the US government can give information, followed by secret and confidential.

Former Trump advisor Rick Gates said the latest leak confirms this was a fishing expedition by the FBI to indict President Trump.

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