“It Is the Same Thing as the Russia Hoax and I Think It Will Be the Same Result. There’s Nothing There.” – K.T. McFarland on Biden’s FBI Mar-a-Lago Raid and Bogus Story

President Trump shared a video from earlier today where K.T. McFarland, who was harassed by the FBI during the Russia collusion sham, explains why the Mar-a-Lago raid was BS. 

President Trump shared on Friday that all the documents taken by the FBI were declassified.  TGP reported on this earlier.

“It Was All Declassified” – President Trump Responds to Latest Deep State FBI Leak

This evening President Trump shared K.T. McFarland’s interview on FOX this morning where she shared that there were three reasons for the raid by the corrupt Deep State and Biden Administration is total BS.

McFarland shares:

  1. The President has the authority to declassify any documents at any time.  Saying he didn’t fill out the right form is a joke.
  2. The second reason was President Trump didn’t read the documents when he had them.  President Trump took oral briefs every morning.  So it makes no sense that Trump took important documents.  He never read them in the first place.
  3. Thirdly, the same reporters at the corrupt WaPo and NYT were the ones leaking Russia, Russia, Russia BS years ago.  They even had the same opening sentences.

These guys were so lazy they didn’t even bother to write a new article.  They just took an old article from four years ago and cut and pasted and then put a new thing in.  It is the same thing as the Russia hoax and I think it will be the same result. There’s nothing there.

[The FBI and DOJ don’t care about laws or regulations, they proved it this week.  They only want to destroy good Americans like President Trump and the majority of America that supports him and knows the 2020 Election was stolen.]

See video below:

The FBI and DOJ are simply dishonest goons that make up BS to satisfy their Democrat compatriots.  They share this BS with corrupt reporters who don’t even bother to write updated stories.  They just cut and paste from the Russia hoax and boom – new conspiracy.  They have nothing. 

The post “It Is the Same Thing as the Russia Hoax and I Think It Will Be the Same Result. There’s Nothing There.” – K.T. McFarland on Biden’s FBI Mar-a-Lago Raid and Bogus Story appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.