Starbucks Asks Labor Board to Suspend Mail-in Ballot Union Elections, Requests ALL Future Elections be Held In Person

Starbucks is now asking the federal labor board to put a halt on all mail-in ballot union elections.

But aren’t mail-in ballots the most secure way to vote?

The coffee shop chain also requested all future union elections be held in person.

Even Starbucks knows mail-in ballots lead to fraudulent elections because there is no chain of custody.

NBC News reported:

Starbucks is asking the federal labor board to suspend all mail-in ballot union elections nationwide, alleging misconduct in the voting process by the board’s personnel and the union organizing its baristas.

The Seattle-based coffee giant wrote in a letter to the chairman and general counsel of the National Labor Relations Board on Monday that the labor board’s officials acted inappropriately during an election in the Kansas City area and has likely acted similarly in other elections. Starbucks cited a career NLRB professional who approached the company as a whistleblower.

More than 220 Starbucks cafes in the U.S. have voted to unionize, according to an NLRB tally as of Friday. An additional 34 elections have been ordered or are in progress, and seven more stores are waiting to schedule elections.

Starbucks Workers United and the NLRB did not immediately respond to requests for comment from CNBC.

In addition to asking for a pause on all scheduled mail-in elections at its U.S. stores, Starbucks is requesting that all future elections be held in person while the allegations can be investigated.

A major part of the Democrats’ election scheme is the work done by the US postal service with mail-in ballots.

Democrats NEED mail-in ballots and Democrats NEED the assistance of the US postal service.

Chuck DeVore published this warning to the nation on the Democrats’ mail-in voting scheme at The Federalist.

The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) announced on July 28 that it was creating the Election and Government Mail Services division. Adrienne E. Marshall, a USPS veteran, was named as the division’s first director, with Marc Elias, the Democrat’s foremost lawfare professional and longtime proponent of elections by mail, tweeting out his approval.

The post Starbucks Asks Labor Board to Suspend Mail-in Ballot Union Elections, Requests ALL Future Elections be Held In Person appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.