Twitter Commits Blatant Election Interference — Takes Down GOP Candidate Dr. Drew Montez Clark’s Account ONE DAY BEFORE ELECTION

Tomorrow is primary election day in Florida.

Dr. Drew Montez Clark is running for Congress in Florida’s 20th District. He is running unopposed and the election is tomorrow. His next election in November 20.

Dr. Drew Montez Clark is an impressive, conservative, Constitution first candidate.

Dr. Drew is the total package!

So it makes sense then that Twitter would remove his account one day before the Florida primary election.

Twitter took his account down earlier today.

Twitter announced last week it would meddle in the 2022 elections. They weren’t kidding.

And when Twitter says they will meddle that means Twitter will be cracking down on conservatives and free speech.

Twitter has not given an explanation why they have taken down a popular conservative politician’s account.

It sure looks racist.

Rep. Byron Daniels weighed in.

We reached out to the Clark campaign and will post any updates we receive.

The post Twitter Commits Blatant Election Interference — Takes Down GOP Candidate Dr. Drew Montez Clark’s Account ONE DAY BEFORE ELECTION appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.