MSNBC Pundit: “Trump Is as Big a Problem for Republican Candidates as Biden Might Be for Democratic Candidates” (VIDEO)

Democrats are heading into the midterm elections this year with:

** Wide open borders,
** 2 million illegal aliens crossing into the US a year
** A record 8.6 percent inflation
** The highest gas prices on record
** A failed foreign policy
** Crushing debt and insane fiscal policies

Democrats have purposely destroyed the American middle class.

That is their record.

And Joe Biden, a man plagued with dementia and sex scandals, is their president.

The Democrat party has only two things in its favor — the lapdog media and fraud.

On Friday, Former Senator Claire McCaskill suggested on Friday that – “Trump is as big a problem for the Republican candidates as Biden might be for the Democratic candidates.”

Democrats are actually running against “Make America Great” policies. They’re against them.

McCaskill echoed Liz Cheney in her attacks on President Trump.  The former Missouri Senator suggested that President Trump lost voters from 2016 to 2020 when the reverse is true.

President Trump gained over 11 million votes from 2016 to 2020 making him the most popular US President in history.

Joe Biden, without campaigning, was able to snag 81 million votes, a number most Americans believe is fraudulent…  Because it is.

President Trump has a 98.4% success rate in his endorsements this year.  Trump is the most popular politician in American history and the most talked about politician to this day.

There’s a reason the demons continue to target President Trump and his supporters.

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