BOOM! Kash Patel: This Entire Raid on Mar-a-Lago Was to Prevent Disclosure of Declassified Russiagate Documents that Implicate FBI! (VIDEO)

On Monday Kash Patel, the former chief of staff to the Acting United States Secretary of Defense under President Donald Trump, joined Tucker Carlson to discuss the recent raid on Mar-a-Lago and the release of the highly redacted affidavit to raid the former president’s home.

During the discussion Kash Patel told Tucker’s audience the real reason why the raid took place. It was to prevent the disclosure of unclassified Russiagate documents that implicated the FBI and DOJ in the garbage investigation of candidate and then President Trump.

The FBI raided Mar-a-Lago to effectively steal the documents and prevent them from being released.

Kash Patel: As we’ve said from the beginning. We got out 60% of the documents from the Russiagate investigation. 40% remained. President Trump declassified those specific documents. And this entire raid on his house I believe was to prevent the disclosure, now that the government gangsters are back in charge, of their corrupt activities from Russiagate on down. Because now that they have an open FBI intelligence investigation they will shield any release of documents because they will say we have an open investigation. Congress has a lot of work to do and I’m glad whistleblowers are coming forward. They need to be doing so in droves.

This is exactly what The Gateway Pundit has been reporting since the raid took place earlier this month.

The raid involved Russiagate documents.

CRIMSON RHINO and The Raid on Mar-a-Lago

The FBI had a personal stake n the raid in confiscating the documents.

HUGE DEVELOPMENT: Report Alleges FBI “Had Personal Stake” in Mar-a-Lago Raid – Agents Were After Spygate Documents Trump Was Holding That Likely Implicated FBI

And we also reported that by confiscating the documents the FBI would prevent them from being released to the public. Joe Hoft mentioned this during his interview with Eric Bolling.

President Trump Sues Hillary Clinton and Host of Others in RICO Suit Over Russia Collusion Hoax

it should be clear at this point that the administrative state is now a criminal enterprise.

The post BOOM! Kash Patel: This Entire Raid on Mar-a-Lago Was to Prevent Disclosure of Declassified Russiagate Documents that Implicate FBI! (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.