Biden Threatens to Use Military Jets on ‘Right Wing Americans’

Last Updated on August 30, 2022

Joe Biden continues to refer to “extreme MAGA Republicans” as hateful extremists who must be dealt with. During a speech in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania on Tuesday, Biden warned that gun owners and “those brave right-wing Americans” would need F-15 fighter jets to fight the government, seemingly implying that his government would not hesitate to use airstrikes against its own citizens.

Biden told the crowd that his administration would continue to work towards banning “assault weapons,” a term with no clear definition that Democrats apply to all semi-automatic rifles. While speaking on the subject, he warned “those brave right wingers” that the government would not hesitate to use F-15 fighter jets on civilians.

“For those brave right-wing Americans who say it’s all about keeping Americans independent and safe, if you want to fight against a country you need an F-15,” Biden said. “You need something a little more than a gun.”

The president’s statement comes as the Biden regime continues to label 70 million Trump voters as “extreme MAGA Republicans” who must be confronted. What we’re seeing now is either the beginning or the death knell of an extreme MAGA philosophy,” Biden said at a Maryland rally last week. “It’s not just Trump, it’s the entire philosophy that underpins the — I’m going to say something, it’s like semi-fascism.”

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre later defended Biden’s label — which has been likened to Hillary Clinton’s infamous “basket of deplorables” comment — when questioned by Peter Doocy of Fox News. “What MAGA Republicans have done is the definition of fascism… That is what that is,” Jean-Pierre said last week.

The president himself has continued to lash out at “extreme MAGA” Republicans on Twitter, saying “What MAGA Republicans have done is the definition of fascism… That is what that is,” in a tweet Tuesday. We’ve chosen a different path: forward, the future, unity, hope, and optimism. We choose to build a better America.”